Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   from maternal yearnings &c. applied familiarly to the filling with milk of the breast of a woman. v फुट, and, in. con., ये. Ex. गायीला पान्हा आला; also स्तन दाटून फुटला पान्हा ॥ नेत्रीं ढाळी अश्रुजीवना ॥. 2 fig. The meltings of tenderness or compassion: also relenting. खाजवून पान्हा आणणें To force or provoke sympathy, affection, concern &c. पान्हा घालणें-सोडणें- पळविणें-गायीनें &c. To withdraw her milk from the udder--a cow &c.
   pānhā a & पान्हेतांदूळ m pl see under पाना.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  m  descent of milk into the udder (of a beast) from maternal yearning &c. applied to the filling with milk of the breast of a woman. fig. The meltings of tenderness.
खाजवून पान्हा आणणें   To force or provoke sympathy पान्हा घालणें-सोडणें-पळविंणे (गायीनें) &c. To withdraw her milk from the uddera cow &c.


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
 noun  मातृवात्सल्यामुळे स्तनात दूध उतरणे   Ex. बाळाचे रडणे ऐकताच तिला पान्हा फुटला

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