प्र-भु a See under प्र-√ भू below. प्र-भु f. bmfn. (Ved. also ऊ॑f(वी). ) excelling, mighty, powerful, rich, abundant, [RV.] &c. &c. more powerful than (abl. ), [MBh.] having power over (gen. ), [VP.] able, capable, having power to (loc. inf. or comp. ), [Kāv.] a match for (dat. ), [Pāṇ. 2-3, 16] , Vārtt. 2, [Pat.] constant, eternal, [L.] प्र-भु m. m. a master, lord, king (also applied to gods e.g. to सूर्य and अग्नि, [RV.] ; to प्रजा-पति, [Mn.] ; to ब्रह्मा, [ChUp.] ; to इन्द्र, [R.] ; to शिव, [MBh.] ; to विष्णु, [L.] ) the chief or leader of a sect, [RTL. 142] a sound, word, [L.] quicksilver, [L.] N. of a deity under the 8th मनु, [MārkP.] of a son of कर्दम, [Hariv.] of a son of शुक and पीवरी, ib. of a son of भग and सिद्धि, [BhP.] of a poet, [Cat.] of sev. other men, [HPariś.] प्र-भु f. m. (°भ्वीf.N. of a शक्ति, [Pañcar.] )