प्र-स्थान n. n. setting out, departure, procession, march (esp. of an army or assailant), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. walking, moving, journey, advent, ib. sending away, dispatching, [Yājñ.] महा-प्र्° departing this life, dying (cf. ) religious mendicancy, [MBh.] a way to attain (any object), course, method, system, [Madhus.] ; KātyŚr. Sch. a sect, [Sarvad.] an inferior kind of drama (the character of which are slaves and outcasts), [Sāh.] ज्ञान-प्र्° starting-point, place of origin, source, cause (in , N. of wk. )