Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   on which sacrifices are performed, and the bride and bridegroom, or the young Bráhman to be invested with the thread, sit. its dimensions are five cubits by four and one; measured, at investitures, by the arm of the boy, at marriages, by that of the girl.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
   An altar on which sacrifices are performed, and the bride, and bridegroom, or the young brahman to be invested with the thread, sit.


  न. बोहलें ; लग्नांत , मुंजींत घातलेली चतुष्कोण वेदी . यावर वधूवर , बटु बसतात व होम करितात . ह्याची लांबी - रुंदी ५।४ आणि उंची एक हात असून ती मुंजींत मुलाच्या हातानें व लग्नांत मुलीच्या हातानें मापितात . ऐसें संवादाचा बहुलां । लग्न दोघांचिया आंतुला । - ज्ञा १८ . १५७८ . [ बहुल - भोंवतालें ; भवालय , बाहुवलय ? ]

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