वसति f. af. staying (
esp. ‘overnight’), dwelling, abiding, sojourn,
[ŚBr.] &c. &c. (
तिस्रो वसतीर् उषित्वा, ‘having passed three nights’;
वसतिं-√ क्रि or √
ग्रह्, ‘to pass the night, take up one's abode in’, with
loc. )
a nest,
[RV.] a dwelling-place, house, residence, abode or seat of (
gen. or
comp. ),
ib. &c. &c.
जैन monastery,
[L.] night,
[MBh.] वसति mfn. mfn. (
accord. to some) dwelling, abiding (with
वसाम्), fixing one's residence (?),
[RV. v, 2, 6.] वसति b &c. See
p. 932, col. 3.