सं-कीर्ण a &c. See
सं-√ कॄ.
सं-कीर्ण mfn. bmfn. poured together, mixed, commingled &c.
crowded with, full of (
comp. ),
[MBh.] joined or combined with (
comp. ),
[Yājñ.] Sch. mingled, confused, disordered, adulterated, polluted, impure,
[Mn.] ;
[MBh.] &c.
born of a mixed marriage,
[MBh.] mixed, miscellaneous, of various kinds, manifold,
[Bhar.] ;
[Daśar.] -नाग sprinkled (
esp. with fluid-exudation, as a rutting elephant; but
cf. ),
[L.] contracted, narrow,
[W.] scattered, strewed, spread, diffused,
ib.सं-कीर्ण m. m. a man of mixed caste,
[Bhar.] (in music) a mixed note or mode
-नाग = ,
[L.] सं-कील N. of an ancient sage (
v.l. ),
[L.] सं-कीर्ण n. n. confusion (in
वाक्य-स्°q.v. )