Dictionaries | References


   { samavāyḥ }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : कंपनी


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   . Also समवायसंबंध.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  m  Assemblage, collection.


 ना.  अतूट संबंध , घनिष्ट संबंध ;
 ना.  जमाव . समूह .


  पु. १ समुदाय ; जमाव ; समूह . तरी तयांचिया समवाया । अनुरूप धनंजया । - ज्ञा १८ . १२९० . २ ( न्याय . ) नित्यसंबंध ; निकट ; सतत संबंध ; संयोग . तेथ तंतू समवाय पटीं । - ज्ञा ९ . १०६ . ३ समष्टिरूप ; व्यापकत्व . परी मातें नेणती समवायें । - ज्ञा ९ . ३४४ . [ सं . ] समवायिकारण - न . ( न्याय . ) उत्पत्तिमलूक , निकट , नित्य संबंध असणारें कारण ; उदा० माती हें घटाचें , तंतु हें पटाचें .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सम्-अवाय  m. m. coming or meeting together, contact, concourse, congress, assemblage, collection, crowd, aggregate (एन or आत्, ‘in combination’; °यं-√ कृ, ‘to meet, combine, flock together’), [GṛS.] ; [Gaut.] ; [Mn.] &c.
सम् अवाय
   conjunction (of heavenly bodies), [MBh.] ; [VarBṛS.]
   collision, [ŚrS.] ; [Gaut.] ; [Sarvad.]
नित्य-सम्बन्ध   (in phil.) perpetual co-inherence, inner or intimate relation, constant and intimate union, inseparable concomitance (= , the sixth पदार्थ or category of the वैशेषिकs, expressing relation which exists between a substance and its qualities, between a whole and its parts [e.g. between cloth and the yarn composing it], between a genus and its individuals &c.), [Kap.] ; [Jaim.] ; [IW. 66; 69]
नित्य सम्बन्ध
   course, duration (, with gen., ‘during’), [MBh. i, 556]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
समवायः [samavāyḥ]   1 Combination, union, conjunction, aggregate, collection; तेषां समवाये एकदेशकालकतृत्वे ... एकतन्त्रत्वं भवति ŚB. on [MS.12.1.1;] सर्वाविनयानामेकैकमप्येषामायतनं किमुत समवायः K.; बहूनामप्यसाराणां समवायो हि दुर्जयः [Pt.1.] 331; [Bhāg.6.9.34.]
   A number, multitude, heap.
   Close connection, cohesion; कर्तृदेशकालानामचोदनं प्रयोगे नित्यसमवायात् [MS.4.2.23.]
   (In Vaiś. phil.) Intimate union, constant and inseparable connection, inseparable inherence or existence of one thing in another, one of the seven categories of the Vaiśeṣikas; उक्तं समवाये पारदौर्बल्यम् [MS.8.4.17;] नित्यसंबन्धः समवायः [Tarka K.]
   Conjunction of heavenly bodies; समालोक्यैकतामेव शशिनो भास्करस्य च । समवायं तु तं रौद्रं दृष्ट्वा शक्रोऽन्वचिन्तयत् ॥ [Mb.3.] 224.16. -Comp.
-संबन्धः   intimate and inseparable relation.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
समवाय  m.  (-यः)
   1. Multitude, assemblage, collection, aggregate, quan- tity.
   2. One of the categories or Padārthas of logic, intimate and constant relation, as of yarn and the cloth made of it.
   3. Connec- tion of species in a genus, or parts of a whole.
   E. सम् and अव before अय् to go, aff. घञ् .
सम् अव अय् घञ् .

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