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   { anamitra }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
ANAMITRA   father of Cākṣuṣa, the manu of the 6th Manvantara and son of sage Anamitra. (see Ānanda).
ANAMITRA I   A king of the solar dynasty. The Ātmapurāṇa refers to him as the son of Nighna.
ANAMITRA II   Anamitra, son of Dhṛṣṭa is referred to as a king of the Yādavas in Ātmapurāṇa.
ANAMITRA III   one Anamitra, son of Vṛṣṇi is referred to in [Matsyapurāṇa] . he was the father of Śini.
ANAMITRA IV   A son born to king Kroṣṭā and his wife Mādrī.


अनमित्र n.  (सू.इ.) निघ्नराजा का पुत्र।
अनमित्र II. n.  सो. यदु.) वृष्णि को इस एक ही नाम के दो पुत्र थे । (सुमित्र देखिये) ।
अनमित्र III. n.  (सो.यदु.) शिनि राजा का पुत्र । यह बडा पराक्रमी थाभागवत में, इसे युधाजित् का पुत्र भी कहा है ।
अनमित्र IV. n.  ब्रह्मसावर्णि मनु का पुत्र


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अनमित्र [anamitra] a.  a. having no enemies.
-त्रम्   A state of having no enemies.

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