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   { jahnuḥ, jahnu }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
JAHNU   A hermit King born in the family of Pūru.
1) Genealogy.
Descended from Viṣṇu in the following order:--Brahmā--Atri--Candra--Budha--Purūravas-- Āyus--Nahuṣa--Yayāti--Pūru--Janamejaya--Prācinvān -Pravīra--Namasyu--Vītabhaya--Śuṇḍu--Bahuvidha -Saṁyāti--Rahovādi--Raudrāśva--Matināra-- Santurodha-- Duṣyanta-- Bharata--Suhotra-- Bṛhatputra -Ajamīḍha--Jahnu. Ajamīḍha had three wives, Dhūminī, Nīlī and Keśinī. Ṛkṣa was born from Dhūminī, Duṣyanta and Parameṣṭhi from Nīlī and Jahnu from Keśinī. The descendants of Jahnu are called the Kuśikas. Jahnu handed over his kingdom to his son Balākāśva and went to perform penance. Kuśika was the son of Balākāśva.
2) Drank up the river Ganges.
The river Gaṅgā, which flowed through the earth in accordance with the request of Bhagīratha, submerged the hermitage of Jahnu. Jahnu became angry at this haughtiness of Gaṅgā and drank up the river, but at the entreaty of Bhagīratha pushed Gaṅgādevī out through his ear. (See under Gaṅgā). From that day onwards Gaṅgā got the name Jāhnavī.


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  एक राजऋषि जो गंगा को पी गए थे और बाद में कान से निकाल दिए   Ex. जह्नु के नाम पर ही गंगा का एक नाम जाह्नवी पड़ा ।
पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)
जह्नु ऋषि
marजह्नु ऋषी
urdجَہنُو , جَہنُورِشی


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
जह्नु  m. m.N. of an ancient king and sage (son of अज-मीढ, of सु-होत्र, of कुरु, of होत्रक; ancestor of the कुशिकs; the Ganges, when brought down from heaven by भगी-रथ's austerities, was forced to flow over the earth and to follow him to the ocean and thence to the lower regions in order to water the ashes of सगर's sons; in its course it inundated the sacrificial ground of जह्नु, who drank up its waters but consented at भगी-रथ's prayer to discharge them from his ears; hence the river is regarded as his daughter), [MBh. i, xii f.] ; [Hariv.] ; [R. i, 44, 35 ff.] ; [BhP. ix]
   N. of विष्णु, [L.]
जन्यु   of a ऋषि of the 4th मन्व्-अन्तर, [Hariv. 426] (v.l.)
   of a हिमालय cavern (from which the गङ्गा is bursting forth), [Kād. ii, 473] ; [Hcar. iii]
   pl.जह्नु's race, [AitBr. vii, 18] ; [TāṇḍyaBr. xxi, 12, 2] ; [Pravar. iv, 12.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
जह्नुः [jahnuḥ]  N. N. of an ancient king, son of Suhotra, who adopted the river Gaṅgā as his daughter. [The river Ganges, when brought down from heaven by the austerities of Bhagīratha, was forced to flow over earth to follow him to the lower regions. In its course it inundated the sacrificial ground of king Jahnu, who being angry drank up its waters. But the gods and sages, and particularly Bhagīratha, appeased his anger, and he consented to discharge those waters from his ears. The river is therefore regarded as his daughter, and is styled जाह्नवी, जह्नुतनया,
-कन्या, -सुता, -नन्दिनी   &c.; cf. [R.8.95.] जह्नोः कन्यां सगरतनयस्वर्गसोपान- पङ्क्तिम् [Me.52.]
-सप्तमी   The seventh day of the bright half of Vaiśākha.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
जह्नु  m.  (-ह्नुः)
   1. The name of a king or saint, son of KURU: see the next.
   2. A name of VISHNU.
   E. हा to abandon, (the world for devo- tion.) नु Unadi aff.
हा नु

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