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Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
DEVĪPĪṬHA   The dead body of Satīdevī crumbled into small pieces and fell in different places in Bhārata. each place where a piece of the dead body fell, is known by the name Devīpīṭha. there is a reason why the dead body crumbled into pieces. Dakṣa performed a sacrifice to which Śiva was not invited and Satīdevī came to the sacrifice, and committed suicide by jumping into the fire. Śiva who became furious, killed Dakṣa and carrying the dead body of his wife on his shoulder, walked the length and breadth of Bhārata like a mad man. it seemed that he was not going to recover from this mania, and the devas (gods) were worried at this. To rescue Śiva from this mental disposition, Mahāviṣṇu, unseen by others, followed Śiva with a bow and arrow. whenever it was convenient Mahāviṣṇu sent an arrow at the body of Satīdevī, on the shoulder of Śiva. By the hitting of the arrows the body was crumbled into pieces and fell here and there. thus within a few days the body of Satīdevī came to an end and Śiva walked to Kailāsa. The pieces of the dead body fell in 108 places, and thus 108 Devīpīṭhas came into existence. The names of the places and the names by which the Devī is known in such places are given below.
Devīpīṭha name of Devī
1. Vārāṇasī Viśālākṣī
2. Naimiṣāraṇya Liṅgadhāriṇī
3. Prayāga Kumudā
4. Gandhamādana Kāmukī
5. Dakṣiṇa Kailāsa (Mānasa) Kumudā
6. Uttara Kailāsa (Mānasa) Kumudā
7. Gomanta Gautamī
8. Mandara Kāmacāriṇī
9. Caitraratha Madotkaṭā
10. Hastināpura Jayantī
11. Kānyakubja Gaurī
12. Malayācala Rambhā
13. Ekāmrapīṭha Kīrtimatī
14. Viśva Viśveśvarī
15. Puṣkara Puruhūtā
16. Kedārapīṭha Sanmārgadāyinī
17. Himavatpṛṣṭha Mandā
18. Gokarṇa Bhadrakarṇikā
19. Sthāṇvīśvara Bhavānī
20. Villvaka Villvapatrikā
21. Śrī Śaila Mādhavī
22. Bhadreśvara Bhadrā
23. Varāhaśaila Jayā
24. Kamalālaya Kamalā
25. Rudrakoṭi Rudrāṇī
26. Kālañjara Kālī
27. Śālagrāma Mahādevī
28. Śivaliṅga Jalapriyā
29. Mahāliṅga Kapilā
30. Mākoṭa Mukuṭeśvarī
31. Māyāpurī Kumārī
32. Santāna Lalitāmbikā
33. Gaya Maṅgalā
34. Puruṣottama Vimalā
35. Sahasrākṣa Utpalākṣī
36. Hiraṇyākṣa Mahotpalā
37. Vipāśa Amoghākṣī
38. Puṇḍravardhana Pāṭalā
39. Supārśva Nārāyaṇī
40. Trikūṭa Rudrasundarī
41. Vipula Vipulā
42. Malayācala Kalyāṇī
43. Sahyādri Ekavīrā
44. Hariścandra Candrikā
45. Rāmatīrtha Ramaṇā
46. Yamunātīrtha Mṛgāvatī
47. Vikoṭa tīrtha Koṭi
48. Mādhavavana Sugandhā
49. Godāvarītīrtha Trisandhi
50. Gaṅgādvāra Ratipriyā
51. Śivakuṇḍa Śubhānandā
52. Devikātaṭa Nandinī
53. Dvāravatī Rukmiṇī
54. Vṛndāvana Rādhā
55. Madhurā Devakī
56. Pātāla Parameśvarī
57. Citrakūṭa Sītā
58. Vindhya Vindhyādhivāsinī
59. Karavīra Mahālakṣmī
60. Vināyaka Umādevī
61. Vaidyanāthatīrtha Ārogyā
62. Mahākāla Maheśvarī
63. Uṣṇatīrtha Abhayā
64. Vindhyaparvata Nitambā
65. Māṇḍavya Māṇḍavī
66. Maheśvarīpura Svāhā
67. Chagalāṇḍa Pracaṇḍā
68. Amarakaṇṭaka Caṇḍikā
69. Someśvara Varārohā
70. Prabhāsa Puṣkarāvatī
71. Sarasvatī Devamātā
72. Mahālaya Mahābhāgā
73. Payoṣṇī Piṅgaleśvarī
74. Kṛtaśauca Siṁhikā
75. Kārttika Atiśāṅkarī
76. Varttaka Utpalā
77. Śoṇasaṅgama Subhadrā
78. Siddhavana Mātā (Lakṣmī)
79. Bharatāśrama Anaṅgā
80. Jalandhara Viśvamukhī
81. Kiṣkindhaparvata Tārā
82. Devadāruvana Puṣṭi
83. Kāśmīramaṇḍala Medhā
84. Himādri Bhīmā
85. Kapālamocana Śuddhi
86. Kāyāvarohaṇa Mātā
87. Śaṅkhoddhāra Dharā
88. Piṇḍāraka Dhṛti
89. Candrabhāga Kalā
90. Acchoda Śivadhāriṇī
91. Veṇa Amṛtā
92. Badaryāśrama Urvaśī
93. Uttarakuru Auṣadhi
94. Kuśadvīpa Kuśobhā
95. Hemakūṭa Manmathā
96. Kumuda Satyavādinī
97. Aśvattha Vandanīyā
98. Vaiśravaṇālaya Nidhi
99. Vedapatana Gāyatrī
100. Śivasannidhi Pārvatī
101. Devaloka Indrāṇī
102. Brahmaloka Sarasvatī
103. Sūryabimba Prabhā
104. Mātṛloka Vaiṣṇavī
105. Satītīrtha Arundhatī
106. Rāmatīrtha Tilottamā
107. Citta Brahmakalā
108. Jīvaśarīra Śakti

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