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   { prabudh }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
प्र-√ बुध्   aĀ.-बुध्यते (Ved.inf.-बु॑धे), to wake up, wake, awake (intrans.), [RV.] &c. &c.;
to expand, open, bloom, blossom, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.;
P.-बोधति, to become conscious or aware of know, understand, recognise as (2. acc.), [MBh.] :
Caus.-बोधयति, to wake up, awaken (trans.), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.;
to cause to expand or bloom, [Kum.] ;
to stimulate (by gentle friction), [ŚārṅgS.] ;
to make sensible, cause to know, inform, admonish, persuade, convince, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.;
to instruct, teach (two acc.), [Cāṇ.]
प्र √ बुध्
प्र-बुध्  mfn. bmfn. watchful, attentive, [RV.]
प्र बुध्
प्र-बुध्  f. f. awaking, ib.
प्र बुध्


प्रबुध् [prabudh]   4 Ā., 1 [P.]
To awake, wake up, rise from sleep; प्रबुद्ध इव सुप्तम् [Ś.5.11;] [Śi.9.3.]
To blow, expand, bloom, be blown; साम्रेऽह्नीव स्थलकमलिनीं नप्रबुद्धां नसुप्ताम् [Me.94.]
To perceive, observe, be aware of.-Caus.
To awaken, waken, rouse; प्राबोधयन्नुषसि वाग्भिरुदारवाचः [R.5.65;6.56.]
To acquaint with, inform, make known; तमभ्यनन्दत् प्रथमं प्रबोधितः [R.3.68.]
To cause to expand or open; (पद्मानि) प्रबोधवत्यूर्ध्व- मुखैर्मयूखैः [Ku.1.16.]
To instruct, teach; explain.
To persuade, induce.
To stimulate, excite.


See : ज्ञा, चित्, विकस्

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