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   { bhadrāśva }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English
BHADRĀŚVA   An island near the mountain of Meru. Dharmaputra was ruling this land and Sañjaya once described this land to Dhṛtarāṣṭra. [Chapter 14, Śānti Parva] ;[Chapter 7, Bhīṣma Parva] .
BHADRĀŚVA I   A king of Pūruvaṁśa. He was the son of Rahovādi. Bhadrāśvā had ten sons: Ṛkṣeyu, Kṛṣeyu, Sannateyu, Ghṛteyu, Citeyu, Sthaṇḍileyu, Dharmeyu, Sammiteyu, Kṛteyu and Matināra. [Chapter 278, Agni Purāṇa] . Once Agastya went and stayed for seven days in the palace of Bhadrāśva and his wife Kāntimatī. Everyday Agastya used to speak in glowing terms about Kāntimatī and asked about the reason for it he replied: “In her previous birth Kāntimatī was a servant girl in a wealthy house. The master of the house once entrusted her with the task of seeing that none of the temple lights went out on the night of Dvādaśī in the month of Tulā (Āśvina--October). She did her duty so willingly and sincerely that she was born as a queen and you a King”. Then Agastya gave them instructions about that Vrata which both Bhadrāśva and Kāntimatī observed sincerely, receiving as a result benediction from Viṣṇu. [Vāyu Purāṇa] .
BHADRĀŚVA II   Agnīdhra, son of Priyavrata and grandson of Manu, got nine sons of his wife Pūrvacitti, a celestial maiden. One of the sons was Bhadrāśva. His brothers were Nābhi, Kiṁpuruṣa, Hari, Ilāvṛta, Ramyaka, Hiraṇmaya, Kuru and Ketumāla. The country ruled by Bhadrāśva was called Bhadrāśva lying to the east of the mountain Gandhamādana. [Pañcama Skandha, Bhāgavata] .


भद्राश्व n.  (स्वा. प्रिय.) एक राजा, जो सुविख्यात सम्राट प्रियव्रत् का पौर, एवं अग्नीध्र का पुत्र थ [म.शां.१४.२४] । इसकी माता का नाम उपचित्ति था । मेरु की कन्या भद्रा इसकी पत्नी थी [भा.५.२.१९] । इसकी पिता अग्नीध्र जंबुद्वीप का सम्राट था । जंबुद्वीप का जो भाग इसे प्राप्त हुआ, वह इसीके नामसे ‘भद्राश्ववर्ष’ नाम से प्रसिद्ध हुआ [म.भी.७.११]
भद्राश्व II. n.  (सू.इ.) एक इक्ष्वाकुवंशीय राजा, जो भागवत एवं महाभारत के अनुसार, कुवलाश्व राजा का पुत्र था । पाठभेद (भांडारकर संहिता)---‘दृढाश्व’।
भद्राश्व III. n.  (सो. नील.) एक राजा, जो मत्स्य के अनुसार, पृथु राजा का पुत्र था । इसे हर्यश्व एवं भर्ग्याश्व नामांतर भी प्राप्त थे ।
भद्राश्व IV. n.  (सो. वसु.) एक राजा, जो विष्णु एवं वायु के अनुसार, वसुदेव एवं रोहिणी के पुत्रों में से एक था ।
भद्राश्व V. n.  (सो. पूरु.) एक राजा, जो मत्स्य के अनुसार अहंवर्च राजा का पुत्र था । इसे रौद्राश्व नामांतर भी प्राप्त था । इसे कुल दस कन्याएं थी, जो प्रभाकर (आत्रेय) ऋषि को विवाह में दी गयी थी ।


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
भद्राश्व  m. m.N. of a son of वसु-देव and रोहिणी, [VP.]
of a son of धुन्धु-मार, [BhP.]
of a king also called श्वेत-वाहन, [Cat.]
 n. of a son of आग्नीध्र and (also n.) a द्वीप or वर्ष called after him (the eastern division), [MBh.] &c.
भद्राश्व  n. n.N. of a country lying east of the इलावृत country, [L.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
भद्राश्व  n.  (-श्वं) One of the four Mahā Dwipas, into which the known world is divided, according to some systems; or according to another system, one of the nine Khandas, or smaller divisions of the continent; in either case it is the east division.
 m.  (-श्वः) One of the nine sons of AGNIDHRA, whom the division of the earth called Bhadrāswa was assigned and from whom it was so named.
E. भद्र auspicious, अश्व a horse.
भद्र अश्व

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