व्य्-आप्ति f. f. (
ifc. °तिक) acquisition, attainment, accomplishment,
[AV.] ;
[ŚBr.] pervasion, inherence, inherent and inseparable presence of any one thing in another (as of oil in
sesamum seed, heat in fire &c.), universal pervasion, invariable concomitance, universal distribution or accompaniment (
e.g. ‘smoke is always pervaded by fire’, or ‘fire is necessarily attended with smoke’
cf. [IW. 62] ),
[Kap.] ;
[Nyāyam.] Sch. universality, universal rule without an exception,
[Sarvad.] ;
[Vedântas.] omnipresence, ubiquity (as a divine attribute),