मराठी साहित्य

मराठी साहित्य

मराठी साहित्य - Marathi Literature.

  • कीर्तन आख्यान
    कीर्तनकारांना नित्य उपयोगी अशी आख्याने. विष्णुदासांनी याला ’कीर्तन-मुक्ताहार’ असे नाव दिले होते.
    Type: INDEX | Rank: 1 | Lang: N/A
  • अभंग संग्रह आणि पदे
    अभंग संग्रहAbhang is form of devotional poetry sung in praise of the Hindu god Krishna, also known as Vithala and Vithoba. Abhangs were first sung by Tukaram in his native language, Marathi. Tukaram was a seventeenth century poet, who lived in a town named Dehu, which is located near modern day Pune. He was a popular poet and was a leading figure in the Bhakti Movement of the time, that sought to put the emphasis back on devotion and love towards god, in contrast to blind obedience of rituals and arcane religious practices.
    Type: INDEX | Rank: 1 | Lang: N/A
  • बालसाहित्य
    बालसाहित्य - Kids Literature
    Type: INDEX | Rank: 1 | Lang: N/A
  • भजन
    A bhajan or kirtan is a Hindu devotional song, often of ancient origin. Great importance is attributed to the singing of bhajans with Bhakti, i.e. loving devotion. "Rasanam Lakshanam Bhajanam" means the act by which we feel more closer to our inner self or God, is a bhajan. Acts which are done for the God is called bhajan. Kirtans are deeply rooted in Vedic tradition. Bhajans are often simple songs in lyrical language expressing emotions of love for the Divine, whether for a single God/Goddess, or any number of divinities. Many bhajans feature several names and aspects of the chosen deity, especially in the case of Hindu sahasranamas, which list a divinity's 1008 names. Traditionally, the music has been Indian classical music, which is based on ragas and tala (rhythmic beat patterns) played on the Veena (or Been), Sarangi Venu (flute), Mridanga (or Tabla); all traditional Indian instruments. The Sikh Scripture contains 31 ragas and 17 talas which form the basis for kirtan music compositions.
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  • भारुडे
    Bharude is a kind of satirical form of presenting the faults of lay human beings. It was started by Eknath who is revered as a saint. Sant Eknath (1533 - 1599) was a great admirer of Jnanesvar of the 12th century (or the 13th?) who was a great poetic genius and mystic saint of Maharashtra and who established the bhAgasvata tradition in Maharashtra. Jnanesvar's magnum opus was Jnanesvari, the famous commentary in Marathi on the gItA, the most elaborate ever written. It was Eknath who brought out the first authentic edition of Jnanesvari. Eknath was a brahmin, but he set an example by not observing caste distinctions, against which he preached vehemently. His own commentary in 18,800 verses on the eleventh skanda of the SrImad-bhAgavatam is called Ekanatha-bhAgavatam. It is not just a spiritual treatise; it is a literary masterpiece. Ekanath's unique contribution is his BHARUD Abhangas. Through the wide social spectrum including all the castes and subcastes, god etc of the lower castes, games of goy an even animals, allegorically, Bhakti is preached in attractive style.
    Type: INDEX | Rank: 1 | Lang: N/A
  • गाणी व कविता
    दररोजच्या जीवनातील गाणी. Songs from everyday life of Marathi people.
    Type: INDEX | Rank: 1 | Lang: N/A
  • मराठी व्याकरण
    व्याकरण हा भाषेचा पाया आहे.
    Type: INDEX | Rank: 1 | Lang: N/A
  • मराठी कथा
    मराठी कथा - Marathi Stories (Katha)
    Tags: Story
    Type: INDEX | Rank: 1 | Lang: N/A
  • लावणी
    लावणी म्हणजे गीत, नृत्य आणि अदाकारी यांचा त्रिवेणी संगम. लावणी शृंगराची खाण आणि महाराष्ट्राची शान आहे.
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  • लोकगीते
    लोकांसाठीच व लोकांसंबंधीच, लोकांनी रचलेली गीते म्हणजेच लोकगीते. भावना उत्कट होऊन ओठावर येणारी गीते. 
    Type: INDEX | Rank: 1 | Lang: N/A
  • नाटक
    नाटक लिहिणे किंवा रंगभूमीवर सादर करणे म्हणजे अवघड कला आहे, शिवाय त्यातील अभिनय जिवंत असावा लागतो.
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  • नाट्यछटा
    नाट्यछटा म्हणजे एक प्रसंग, एक पात्र, बोलणेही एकाच पात्राचे, पण दुसया एखाद्या किंवा अनेक व्यक्तींशी ती बोलते आहे असा देखावा, आणि त्यातून मनोगत व्यक्त करण्याची पद्धत.
    Type: INDEX | Rank: 1 | Lang: N/A
  • पाळणे
    पाळणे - Palane are the marathi lullby songs usually sung at Naming Ceremony called "Barase" (बारसे). These are also sung while putting child to sleep in a swing.
    Type: INDEX | Rank: 1 | Lang: N/A
  • पोथी आणि पुराण
    पोथ्या - पुराणे - Marathi Pothi - Purane. 
    Type: INDEX | Rank: 1 | Lang: N/A
  • पोवाडे
    इतिहासाचे साधन म्हणून पोवाड्यांचे महत्व विशेष आहे. पोवाडे हे गीत-नाट्यरूप असल्यामुळे त्यात मनोरंजन व प्रचार यांचा मेळ घातला जातो.
    Type: INDEX | Rank: 1 | Lang: N/A
  • प्रवचन
    प्रवचन म्हणजे संत माहात्म्यांचा सर्वसामान्य भक्तांना केलेला उपदेश.
    Type: INDEX | Rank: 1 | Lang: N/A
  • चित्रकथा
    कोणत्याही चित्रपटाचा महत्वाचा भाग म्हणजे, चित्रकथा. चित्रकथा जेवढी प्रभावी तेवढा चित्रपट यशस्वी.
    Type: INDEX | Rank: 1 | Lang: N/A
  • अनुवादीत साहित्य
    अनुवादीत साहित्य
    Type: INDEX | Rank: 1 | Lang: N/A
  • उखाणे
    लहान लहान पण यमकबद्ध अशा वाक्यरचनेतून स्त्रिया आपल्या पतीचे नाव कुशलतेने गुंफून घेतात, त्या प्रकाराला उखाणा म्हणतात,
    Type: INDEX | Rank: 1 | Lang: N/A
  • वधू-वर परीक्षा
    प्रस्तुत ग्रंथ १९०१ साली बडोद्याचे महाराज श्रीमंत सयाजीराव गायकवाड यांनी प्रसिद्ध केला होता.
    Type: INDEX | Rank: 1 | Lang: N/A
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Last Updated : March 03, 2010

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