Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   A corn-measure of two पायली, in the Konkan̤, of eight. Pr. मेल्या म्हशीस कु0 दूध.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  m  A corn-measure of two पायली.


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
 noun  धान्य मोजण्याचे एक माप   Ex. कोकणात आठ शेर म्हणजे एक कुडव होतो.


  पु. १ ( कु . गो .) सामान्यत ; आठ शेर अथवा दोन पायलींचें माप . देशावर आठ पायली धान्याचें माप ; कोंकणांत राजापुराकडे चार पायली ; २ एक प्रस्थाचा एकचतुर्थाश ; एक पक्का पावशेर . - अश्वप . १ . १३० ; पातळ औषधें मापण्याकरितां मातीचें ; कळकाचें , लाकडाचें किंवा लोखंडाचें , विस्तारानें व उंचीनें चार आंगळांचें भांडें - योर १ . ३८ . ' तो निजबोधाचें कुडवाकारी । भरील वखारी श्रवणाच्या । ' - एभा ३ . ८७३ . ( सं .)
०भरणें   ( कु .) माप भरणें , पूर्ण होणें ; मरण ओढवणें . म्ह० मेल्याम्हशीस कुडवभर दूध .


   कुडव भरणें
   १. माप भरणें
   पूर्ण होणें. २. ( ल.) मृत्‍यु ओढवणें
   शंभर वर्षे भरणें.


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कुडव  mn. mn. a measure of grain or of wood or of iron &c. (4th part of a प्रस्थ, described by some as a vessel four fingers wide and as many deep and containing 12 प्रकृतिs or handfuls; also said to contain 13 1/2 cubic अङ्गुलs, or to contain 64 cubic अङ्गुलs [[ŚārṅgS.] ], or to be a finger and a half deep and three fingers each in length and breadth; in med. it is equal to two प्रकृतिs or thirty-two तोलकs), [MBh.] ; [Jyot.] ; [VarBṛS. &c.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कुडव  m.  (-वः) A measure of grain, wood, iron, &c. the fourth part of a Prastha, described by some as a vessel four fingers wide, and as many deep, and containing twelve Prakritis or handfuls: it is also said to contain thirteen and a half cubic Angulas; or to be a finger and half deep, and three fingers each length and breadth. In medicine it is equal to two Prakritis or thirty-two Tolakas.
   E. कुड् to heap, कवन् affix; also कुडप and कुटप.
कुड् कवन् कुडप कुटप

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