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   { nāth }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
नाथ्   cl. 1. Ā. (ii, 6">[Dhātup. ii, 6] ) ना॑थते, [TS.] ; [Kāṭh.] &c. (°ति, [MBh.] ; [Kathās.] ; pf.ननाथ; aor.अनाथीत्; fut.नाथिष्यति, or नाथिताGr.; inf.नाथितुम्, [Kathās.] ; ind.p.-नाथ्य, [Prab.] )
to seek aid, approach with prayers or requests (loc.), [TS.] ; [Kāṭh.] ;
to ask, solicit, beg for (gen. of thing, iii, 126, 30">[MBh. iii, 126, 30] ; cf.[Pāṇ. 2-3, 55] ; dat. of th°, [Vop.] ; with 2 acc.iii, 25">[Naiṣ. iii, 25] );
to have power, be master, [Dhātup.] :
Caus.नाथयति, to cause a person to ask for anything i.e. to grant a request (acc.), [BhP.] (B.), 25.">ii, 9, 25.
   to harass, destroy, [Dhātup.]
नाथ्   [cf.नाध्; Goth.nithan, old Sax.ginātha, nasa; HGerm. genāde, gnade.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
नाथ् [nāth]   1 P. (नाथति, but sometimes Ā. also)
   To ask, beg, solicit for anything (with dat. or two acc.); मोक्षाय नाथते मुनिः Vop.; नाथसे किमु पतिं न भूभृतः [Ki.13.59;] संतुष्ट- मिष्टानि तमिष्टदेवं नाथन्ति के नाम न लोकनाथम् [N.3.25;] वनं न यायादिति नाथमानः [Bu. Ch.2.54.]
   To have power, be master, prevail.
   To harass, trouble.
   To bless, wish well to, give blessings to; (said to be Ātm. only in this sense); धृत्या नाथस्व वैदेहि... [Bk.8.12;] नाथितशमे [Mv.1.11;] (Mammaṭa quotes the line दीनं त्वामनुनाथते कुचयुगं पत्रावृतं मा कृथाः to show that नाथ् here only means 'to ask or beg', and says that नाथते should, therefore, be नाथति); सर्पिषो नाथते [Sk.]

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