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   { abhimanyuḥ, abhimanyuadha parva, abhimanyu }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
ABHIMANYU I   He was the heroic son of Arjuna the central figure of the Mahābhārata, by his wife Subhadrā.
1) Genealogy.
He was descended from Viṣṇu in this order: Brahmā-Atri-Candra-Budha-Purūravas-Āyus-Nahuṣa- Yayāti-Pūru-Janamejaya-Prācinvā-Pravīra-Namasyu- Vītabhaya-Śuṇḍu-Bahuvidha- Saṁyāti- Rahovādi- Raudrāśvā-Matināra-Santurodha- Duṣyanta-Bharata-Bṛhatkṣatra- Hasti-Ajamīḍha- Ṛkṣa-Saṁvaraṇa-Kuru-Jahnu- Suratha-Vidūratha-Sārvabhauma-Jayatsena-Ravīya- Bhāvuka-Cakroddhata-Devātithi-Ṛkṣa-Bhīma-Pratīya- Śantanu-Vyāsa-Pāṇḍu-Arjuna-Abhimanyu.
2) Pūrvajanma (Previous Birth).
There is a story about Abhimanyu's Pūrvajanma in the [Mahābhārata] . It was Varcas, son of Candra, who incarnated as Abhimanyu, son of Arjuna. A conference took place between the Devas and Candra about the incarnation of the Devas in the world for the destruction of the wicked people. Candra told the Devas: “I do not like to send Varcas, whom I love more than my life, to the earth. Still, I think it is not right to stand in the way of the plans of the gods. You must agree to one condition if I am to send my son. Let him be born as the son of Arjuna. I am unable to be separated from him for more than sixteen years. My son will enter into the Cakra Vyūha of the enemies to be killed by them and return to me in the sixteenth year.” The devas (gods) accepted this condition. That is why Abhimanyu was killed in his sixteenth year. [M.B. Ādi Parva, Chapter 67] .
3) Military Training and War.
Abhimanyu received his training in arms from his father Arjuna. Later, he went with his mother Subhadrā to Dvārakā and lived for some time with his uncle Śrī Kṛṣṇa. There he is said to have received training in arms from Pradyumna, son of Śrī Kṛṣna. After the incognito life of the Pāṇḍavas, Abhimanyu married Uttarā, daughter of the King of Virāta. War broke out between Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas. On the first day itself Abhimanyu entered into a duel with Bṛhatbala, King of Kosala. In the terrible conflict with Bhīṣma, Abhimanyu broke Bhīṣma's flagstaff. After that he assisted his father Arjuna to fight against Bhīṣma. Verses 8-13 of Chapter 55 of Bhīṣma Parva of the Mahābhārata describe Abhimanyu's fight with Lakṣmaṇa in the second day's battle. Then he took his place in the Ardha Candra Vyūha (semi-circular phalanx) formed by Arjuna. He fought fiercely with the Gandhāras. He attacked Śalya and killed Jayatsena, King of Magadha, along with his elephant. We find Abhimanyu assisting Bhīmasena in [M.B. Bhīṣma Parva, Chapters 63, 64, 69 and 94] . After that Abhimanyu defeated Lakṣmaṇa in battle. Then he defeated Vikarṇa, Citrasena and others also. Later he took his position in the Śṛṅgāṭaka Vyūha created by Dhṛṣṭadyumna. He started fighting with Bhagadatta. He defeated Aṁbaṣṭha and Alaṁbuṣa. Next he fought a duel with Sudīṣṇa. After that he encountered Duryodhana, Bṛhatbala and others. [M.B. Droṇa Parva, Chapter 10, Verses 47-52] are a description of Abhimanyu's heroism by Dhṛtarāṣṭra. He snatched Paurava's weapon and threw it on the ground. Next he fought with Jayadratha and Śalya. Then he was caught in the Cakra Vyūha (circular phalanx) of the enemies. There he inflicted great losses upon the enemy forces. Śalya was stunned and his brother was killed by Abhimanyu. [M.B. Droṇa Parva, Chapter 38, Verses 23 and 24] describe the flight of the Kauravas in fear. At this stage, even Droṇācārya praised Abhimanyu's valour. Duśśāsana fainted during his fight with Abhimanyu. Karṇa was defeated. Vṛṣasena, Satyaśravas and Śalya's son, Rugmaratha were slain. Duryodhana fled. Lakṣmaṇa was killed. Vṛndāraka, Aśvatthāmā, Karṇa and others were amazed by this terrible valour of Abhimanyu. Six ministers of Karṇa were slain. Next, Aśvaketu, son of the King of Magadha was killed. King Bhoja was also killed. Śalya was again defeated. Śatruñjaya, Candraketu, Meghavega, Suvarcas, Sūryabhāsa--who were all kings--were beheaded by Abhimanyu. Śakuni was wounded by Abhimanyu's arrow. Kālakeya, son of Subala was slain. [M.B. Droṇa Parva, Chapter 40, Verses 13 and 14] say that at this stage, Prince Duśśāsana beat Abhimanyu to death with his mace.
4) After Death.
[M.B. Droṇa Parva, Chapter 71, Verses 12-16] say that after death Abhimanyu attained the immortal world of the Munis (Saints). King Parīkṣit was the son of Abhimanyu. In [M.B. Svargārohaṇa Parva, Chapter 5, Verses 18-20] , we find that after his death, Abhimanyu entered the moon in his former form of Varcas.
5) Other names of Abhimanyu.
In the [Mahābhārata] Abhimanyu has been referred to by several other names, such as ĀRJUNI, Saubhadra, Kārṣṇī, Arjunātmaja, Śukrātmajātmaja, Arjunāpara and Phālguni.
6) Other details.
King Parīkṣit was the son of Abhimanyu. Janamejaya was born as his son. It was Janame- jaya who performed Sarpasatra. (A yāga) Śatānīka was the son of Janamejaya. Śatānīka had a son named Sahasrānīka. King Udayana, the jewel of the Candra Vaṁśa (Lunar dynasty) was born to Sahasrānīka by the goddess Mṛgāvatī (See ‘Udayana’, stories about this Udayana are very famous. Kālidāsa has mentioned in his “Meghadūta” about the old rustics who thronged the country-sides to tell and listen to Udayana stories). [Kathāsaritsāgara, Madana Kañcukalaṁbaka, 4th Taraṅga] .
Note: *) There seems to be some difference of opinion regarding the number of. parts into which King Idhmajihva divided Plakṣadvīpa. In the [Bhāgavata] the number mentioned is seven; but in the Malayalam version of the Bhāgavata [Bhāgavata By Ramanujan Eluttacchan] the number is eight. The original Bhāgavata says: “Śivaṁ Yamasaṁ. Subhadraṁ, Śāntaṁ, Kṣemaṁ, Amṛtaṁ Abhayam iti Varṣāni teṣu girayo nadyaśca saptaivabhijñātāḥ”. In the [Malayalam Bhāgavata] an eighth division called Śivadaṁ is seen.]

ABHIMANYU II   One of the sons of Manu. The ten sons born to Manu by Nadvalā were: Kuru, Puru, Śatadyumna, Tapasvī, Satyavān, Śuci, Agniṣṭoma, Adhirātra, Sudyumna and Abhimanyu. [Viṣṇu Purāṇa, Section 1, Chapter 13] .
ABHIMANYU VADHA PARVA   A part (branch) of [Droṇa Parva] . [See “Mahābhārata”] .


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  अर्जुन और सुभद्रा का पुत्र   Ex. चक्रव्यूह का भेदन करते समय अभिमन्यु वीरगति को प्राप्त हुआ ।
पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)
आर्जुनि सौभद्र सौभद्रेय
urdابھیمنیو , آرجونی , سوبھدر


अभिमन्यु n.  (सो. कुरु.) अर्जुन का पुत्र । यह सोमपुत्र वर्चा के अंश से सुभद्रा के उदर में आया । जन्मतः यह निर्भय, भय उत्पन्न करनेवाला तथा महाक्रोधी प्रतीत होने के कारण, इसका नाम अभिमन्यु रखा गया [म.आ. २१३] । दैत्यों के त्रास से भयभीत पृथ्वी को निर्भय करने के लिये, ब्रह्मदेव ने सब देवताओं को, अंशरुप से पृथ्वी पर जन्म लेने के लिये कहा । उस समय सोम ने देवकार्य के लिये अपने पुत्र को पृथ्वी पर भेजा । परंतु वर्चा इसका अत्यंत प्रिय होने के कारण, यह अधिक दिनों तक पृथ्वी पर नही रहेगा, केवल सोलह वर्ष ही रहेगा, ऐसा सोम ने सब देवताओं से वचन लिया था । इसीसे इसे सोलह वर्ष की आयु में मृत्यु प्राप्त हुई [म.आ.६१.८६.परि.१.४२]
अभिमन्यु n.  अभिमन्यु की अस्त्रशिक्षा तथा अन्य युद्धकलाशिक्षा, अर्जुन की खास देखरेख में हुई थी । यह अस्त्रविद्या में इतना प्रवीण था कि, इसके हस्तचापल्य से तथा अस्त्रयोजना नैपुण्य से संतुष्ट हो कर, बलराम ने इसे रौद्र नामक धनुष दिया । यह अत्यंत पराक्रमी था तथा अपने पराक्रम के बल पर, अल्पवयीन होते हुए भी यह महारथी बना ।
अभिमन्यु n.  भारतीय युद्ध में, द्रोण ने बडी फुशलता से अर्जुन को अन्य पांडवों से विलग किया था उसे सेना के बाहर, संशप्तक की ओर संलग्न कर दिया । तदनंतर द्रोण ने भीमादि तीनों को युद्ध में व्यस्त किया । इस प्रकार, पांडव तथा अभिमन्यु को अपनीं सेना समवेत युद्ध में मग्न देख कर, युधिष्ठिर चिन्ताग्रस्त हो गया । युधिष्ठिर को चिन्ताग्रस्त देख कर, अभिमन्यु ने उसे चिन्ता का कारण पूछा । उसपर युधिष्ठिर ने कहा कि, चक्रव्यूह का भेद करने वाला अपनी सेना में कोई न होने के कारण, मै चिन्ता कर रहा हूँ । यह सुनते ही, अभिमन्यु ने भीम की सहायता से, चक्रव्यूह का भेद करने का काम स्वीकार किया । चक्रव्यूह में प्रवेश करने की विधि ही केवल अभिमृत्यु को ज्ञात थी । फिर भी वह घबराया । तदनंतर युधिष्ठिर का आशिर्वाद ले कर, अमिमन्यु भीम के साथ व्यूहद्वार के पास आया ।
अभिमन्यु n.  उस स्थान पर, द्रोणाचार्य ससैन्य व्यूह की रक्षा कर रहे थे । परंतु अभिमन्यु सेना की पंक्तियॉं तोड कर, व्यूह में प्रविष्ट हो गया । व्यूह में घुसने के पश्चात् अभिमन्यू ने, बडे बडे सेनापतियों को अपने शौर्य से भगाया । अपनी सेना को, पीछे हटते देख कर, द्रोणाचार्य सेना सहित अभिमन्यु पर धावा करने आया परंतु आक्रमक को चकमा दे कर, इसने अश्मक राजा का तथा शल्य के बंधु का वध किया । तब कर्ण उस पर आक्रमण करने दौडा । परंतु उसे भी इसने जर्जर कर दिया । इस प्रकार युद्ध करते, अभिमन्यू भीमादिकों सें काफी दूर चला गया । अभिमन्यू को अकेला देख कर, दुःशासन उसकी ओर दौडा । परंतु उसे भी रण से भगा कर, अभिमन्यू इतनी दूर तक चला गया कि, भीमादिकों को वह दिखता ही न था । भीमादिक सरलता से अपने पास आ सकें, इसके लिये इसने मार्ग खुला रखा था परंतु जयद्रथ रुद्रवर के प्रभाव से, भीमादिक को रोक रखा तथा अभिमन्यु तक जाने नही दिया ।
अभिमन्यु n.  इधर अभिमन्यु, भीमादिकों की राह देखता रहा, इतने में, कर्णपुत्र ने इस पर आक्रमण किया । अभिमन्यु ने उसका पराभव कर के, दुर्योधनपुत्र लक्ष्मण तथा अन्य योद्धओंको मार डाला । तब द्रोण, कृप, कर्ण, अश्वत्थामा, कृतवर्मा तथा बृहद्वल ये छः लोग, अकेले अभिमन्यु से युद्ध करने लगे । उन सबका इसने अकेले निवारण किया । तब द्रोणादिकों ने बडे प्रयास से इसे विरथ किया । अभिमन्यु ढाल तथा तलवार ले कर लडने लगा । परंतु द्रोण ने उन्हें भी तोड दिया । तब अभिमन्यु ने केवल गदा ली तथा दुःशासन के पुत्र के साथ गदायुद्ध आरंभ किया । उस समय अभिमन्यु अत्यधिक श्रान्त हो गया, परंतु भीमादि काफी दूर होने के कारण, इसे उनकी सहायता न मिल सकी । उस समय, दुःशाशनपुत्र की गदा का प्रहार इस पर होते ही, इसे मूर्च्छा आ गई । उस मूर्च्छा सें पूर्ण सावधान होने के पहले ही, दुःसासनपुत्र ने और एक गदाप्रहार कर, इसका वध कर दिया [म.द्रो.४८.१३]
अभिमन्यु n.  अभिमन्यु सिंह के समान अभिमानीं तथा वृषभ के समान स्कंधोंवाला था । यह शौर्य, वीर्य तथा रुप में कृष्णतुल्य था । जन्मतः यह दीर्घबाहु था । यह कृष्ण के समान बलराम को भी अत्यंत प्रिय था [म.आ.२१३.५८-७०]
अभिमन्यु n.  विराट राज की कन्या उत्तरा, अभिमन्यु की पत्नी थी । इसकी मृत्यु के समय उत्तरा गर्भवती थी । उसका पुत्र परीक्षित् नाम से प्रख्यात है । इस परीक्षित् के कारण ही, भारतीय युद्ध में अस्तंगत होते हुए पुरु कुल हो नवजीवन प्राप्त हुआ ।
अभिमन्यु II. n.  स्वायंभुव मन्वन्तर के अजित देवों में से एक ।
अभिमन्यु III. n.  ब्रह्मसावर्णि मन्वतर के सप्तर्षियों में से एक ।
अभिमन्यु IV. n.  चाक्षुष मनु तथा नङ्वला का पुत्र ।


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अभि-मन्यु  m. m.N. of a son of मनुचाक्षुष
अभि मन्यु
   of a son of अर्जुन (by सुभद्रा)
   of two kings of काश्मीर, [Rājat.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अभिमन्युः [abhimanyuḥ]   1 N. of a son of Arjuna by his wife Subhadrā, sister of Kṛiṣṇa and Balarāma; also known by the metronymic Saubhadra. [He was calledAbhimanyu because at his very birth he appeared to be heroic, long-armed and very fiery (अभिवृद्धः मन्युर्यस्य). When the Kauravas at the advice of Droṇa formed the peculiar battle-array called 'Chakravyuha' hoping that, as Arjuna was away, none of the Paṇḍavas would be able to break through it, Abhimanyu assured his uncles that he was ready to try, if they only assisted him. He accordingly entered the Vyūha, killed many warriors on the Kaurava side, and was for a time more than a match even for such veteran and elderly heroes as Droṇa, Karṇa, Duryodhana &c. He could not, however, hold out long against fearful odds, and was at last overpowered and slain. He was very handsome. He had two wives, Vatsalā daughter of Balarāma and Uttarā daughter of the king of Virāṭa. Uttarā was pregnant when he was slain and gave birth to a son named Parīkṣita who succeeded to the throne of Hastināpura.]
   Name of a son of Manu Chākṣuṣa.
   Name of two kings of Kāshmir; Rāj. T.
-पुरम् -   Name of a town. Raj. T.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अभिमन्यु  m.  (-न्युः) The son of ARJUNA by SUBHADRĀ.
   E. अभि and मन wrath.
अभि मन

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