Dictionaries | References च चाटु { cāṭuḥ } Script: Devanagari See also: चाटू Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 चाटु A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi English | | cāṭu a S pleasing, grateful, agreeable--features, speech, actions. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 चाटु Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi English | | a pleasing; agreeable. m A wooden spoon; an oar. a That takes bribes. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 चाटु महाराष्ट्र शब्दकोश | Marathi Marathi | | वि. मनाला संतोष देणारें ; सुखद ; हृदयंगम ; मनोहर ( चेहरा , भाषण , कृत्य ). अगाधु चाटु स्तवितां । - दाब २९७ . [ सं . ] चाटुक - वि . गुळचट ; गोड . [ सं . ] पु. १ लांकडाची पळी ( स्वयंपाकाची ); डाव ; चमचा . जैसा चाटू क्षीरीआंत । - एभा १० . ४६७ . पुरुष चाटूकरूनि चरु चाटी । - यथादी १३ . ६२ . २ नाव चालवितांना पाणी तोडण्याचें हत्यार ; वल्हें . ३ मोहाचीं फुलें ज्या भांडयांत कुजत ठेवतात त्याच्या तोंडावर ठेवण्यासाठीं लांकडाचें केलेलें , शंकराच्या पिंडीसारखें हंडयाच्या तोंडाच्या आकाराहून कमी आकाराचें जें भांडें तें . - बदलापूर ३१० . [ प्रा . चट्टु ; पं . चट्टू ; हिं . चाटी ] Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 चाटु A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | चाटु n. m.n.sg. and pl. (cf.चटु) pleasing or graceful words or discourse, flattery, [Hariv. 1144] ; [Pañcat.] ; [Kād.] ; [Hcar.] &c.पिचिण्ड = , [L.] चाटु mfn. mfn. pleasing (?), [Rājat. i, 213] speaking distinctly, [L.] Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 चाटु The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | चाटुः [cāṭuḥ] टु [ṭu] टु n. [चट्-उण्] pleasing or agreeable words, sweet or coaxing speech, flattery (especially of a lover to his sweet-heart); प्रियः प्रियायाः प्रकरोति चाटुम् [Ṛs.6.14;] विरचितचाटुवचनरचनं चरणरचितप्रणिपातम् [Gīt.11;] [Amaru.83;] [Pt.1.175;] [Śānti.3.14;] [Ch. P.2;] (the greater part of the 1th canto of गीतगोविन्द consists of such coaxing) distinct or clear speech. endearing words or acts; [Māl.1.1.] -Comp.-उक्तिः f. f. flattering or coaxing language. service.-उल्लोल, -कार a. a. speaking agreeably or sweetly, flatterer; शिप्रावातः प्रियतम इव प्रार्थनाचाटुकारः [Me.31;] सोऽभवद्विटबन्द्यादिचाटुकारविधेयधीः [Rāj. T.5.352.] -पटु a. a. skilful in using flattering or coaxing language, an accomplished flatterer.-बटुः a jester, buffoon.-लोल a. a. elegantly tremulous.-शतम् a hundred entreaties, repeated coaxing; पटुचाटुशतैरनुकूलम् [Gīt. 2;] गजपुङ्गवस्तु धीरं विलोकयति चाटुशतैश्च भुङ्क्ते [Bh.2.31.] Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 चाटु Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | चाटु mn. (-टुः-टु) 1. pleasing or grateful discourse. 2. distinct speech. 3. flattery. E. चट् to break, (anger,) Unadi affix ञुण्; also चटु. ROOTS:चट् ञुण्; चटु Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP