Dictionaries | References


   { puruṣḥ, puruṣa }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
PURUṢA   see under Prakṛti.<br>


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  व्याकरण में सर्वनामों का वह भेद जिससे यह जाना जाता है कि सर्वनाम का प्रयोग वक्ता के लिए हुआ है या श्रोता या संबोध्य या किसी और के लिए   Ex. व्याकरण के अनुसार पुरुष तीन प्रकार के होते हैं । <br>
गुणधर्म (property)अमूर्त (Abstract)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
urdشخص , ضمیر شخصی , فرد , مرد , مذکر , نر
   see : आदमी, पति<br>


पुरुष n.  चाक्षुष मनु के पुत्रों में से एक ।<br>पुरुष II. n.  मरुतों के छठवें गण में से एक ।<br>पुरुष III. n.  खर राक्षस के १२ अमात्यों में से एक ।<br>


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   A man generally or individually, a male. 2 An adult. 3 A male among fruit trees. 4 The masculine gender. 5 A man's height or stature as a measure. 6 used freely for a male ancestor or a male elderly relation.<br>   puruṣa . add:--7 In grammar. person; as प्रथम पुरुष, द्वितीय पुरुष, तृतीय पुरुष. note. In sanskrit grammar उत्तम पुरुष is first person.<br>


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  m  A man. An adult. A man's height or as a measure. In Gen. person.<br>


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
 noun  मनुष्यप्राण्यांतील नर   Ex. पुरुष बायकांपेक्षा कठोर स्वभावाचे असतात <br>
व्यक्ति (person)स्तनपायी (Mammal)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)
kasمرٕد , مۄہنیوٗ , مردٕ مۄہنیو , نَر
malപ്രായപൂര്ത്തി ആയ ആള്‍
urdآدمی , مرد , نر
 noun  व्याकरणात वक्ता, श्रोता व उक्तविषय असे सृष्टव्यक्तीचे जे तीन प्रकार करतात ते   Ex. प्रथम, द्वितीयतृतीय असे तीन पुरुष आहेत <br>
तृतीय पुरूष द्वितीय पुरुष प्रथम पुरुष
गुणधर्म (property)अमूर्त (Abstract)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
urdشخص , ضمیر شخصی , فرد , مرد , مذکر , نر


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 
 noun  व्याकरणमा सर्वनामहरूको त्यो भेद जसद्वारा यो थाहा पाइन्छ के भने सर्वनामको प्रयोग वक्ताका लागि भएको हो वा श्रोता वा सम्बोध्य वा अरू कसैका लागि   Ex. व्याकरणका अनुसार पुरुष तीन प्रकारका हुन्छन् <br>
गुणधर्म (property)अमूर्त (Abstract)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
urdشخص , ضمیر شخصی , فرد , مرد , مذکر , نر
 adjective  जुनचाहिँ पुरुषसँग सम्बन्धित छ   Ex. यस अस्पतालमा पुरुष बिरामीहरूको मात्रै उपचार गरिन्छ <br>
संबंधसूचक (Relational)विशेषण (Adjective)


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पुरुष  f. m. (mc. also पू॑र्°; prob.fr.पॄ and connected with पुरु, पूरुifc.f(). , rarely f(). ; cf.[Pāṇ. 4-1, 24] ) a man, male, human being (number.">pl. people, mankind), [RV.] &c. &c.<br>पुमान् पुरुषः   a person, (, a male person, [ŚāṅkhGṛ.] ; [Mn.] ; दण्डःप्°, punishment personified, [Mn.] ; esp. grammatical pers.; with प्रथम, मध्यम, उत्तम = the 3rd, 2nd, 1st pers.[Nir.] ; [Pāṇ.] ), an officer, functionary, attendant, servant, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. (cf.तत्-प्°)<br>   a friend, [L.] <br>   a follower of the सांख्य philosophy (?), ---10--- <br>   a member or representative of a race or generation, ---11--- ; ---12--- ; ---13--- &c.<br>   the height or measure of a man (= 5 अरत्निs = 120 अङ्गुलs), ---14--- ; ---15--- ; ---16--- <br>   the pupil of the eye, [ŚBr.] <br>नारायण   (also with ) the primaeval man as the soul and original source of the universe (described in the पुरुष-सूक्तq.v.), ---18--- ; ---19--- &c.<br>   the personal and animating principle in men and other beings, the soul or spirit, [AV.] &c. &c.<br>पर   the supreme being or soul of the universe (sometimes with , परम, or उत्तम; also identified with ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, शिव and दुर्गा), [VS.] ; [ŚBr.] &c. &c.<br>   (in सांख्य) the spirit as passive and a spectator of the प्रकृति or creative force, 82 &amp;c.">[IW. 82 &c.] <br>   the, ‘spirit’ or fragrant exhalation of plants, 51, 8">---24--- <br>सप्त   (with ) also title or epithet).">N. of the divine or active principles from the minute portions of which the universe was formed, [Mn. i, 19] <br>   also title or epithet).">N. of a पाद in the महा-नाम्नी verses, [Lāṭy.] <br>   of the Ist, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th signs of the zodiac, [Jyot.] <br>   of a son of मनुचाक्षुष, [BhP.] <br>   of one of the 18 attendants of the sun, [L.] <br>   number.">pl. men, people (cf. above)<br>   also title or epithet).">N. of the sanskrit Word">Brāhmans of क्रौञ्च-द्वीप, [BhP.] <br>पञ्च   (with ) also title or epithet).">N. of 5 princely personages or miraculous persons born under partic. constellations, var<br>   Rottleria Tinctoria, [L.] <br>   Clerodendrum Phlomoides, [L.] <br>पुरुष  n. m or n. = पुरुषकm.n., 56 Sch.">[Śiś. v, 56] Sch.<br>पुरुष  n. n. (!) also title or epithet).">N. of mount मेरु, [L.] <br>


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पुरुषः [puruṣḥ]   [पुरि देहे शेते शी-ड पृषो˚ [Tv.] ; पुर्-अग्रगमने कुषन् [Uṇ. 4.74] ]<br>   A male being, man; अर्थतः पुरुषो नारी या नारी सार्थतः पुमान् [Mk.3.27;] [Ms.1.32;7.17;9.2;] [R.2.41.] <br>   men, mankind.<br>   A member or representative of a generation.<br>   An officer, functionary, agent, attendant, servant.<br>   The height or measure of a man (considered as a measure of length); द्वौ पुरुषौ प्रमाणमस्य सा द्विपुरुषा-षी परिखा [Sk.] <br>   The soul; द्वाविमौ पुरुषौ लोके क्षरश्चाक्षर एव[Bg.15.16] &c.<br>   The supreme being, god (soul of the universe); पुरातनं त्वां पुरुषं पुराविदः (विदुः) [Śi.1.33;] [R.13.6.] <br>   A person (in grammar); प्रथम- पुरुषः the third person, मध्यमपुरुषः the second person, and उत्तमपुरुषः the first person, (this is the strict order in Sk.).<br>   The pupil of the eye.<br>   (In Sāṅ. phil.) The soul (opp. प्रकृति); according to the Sāṅkhyas it is neither a production nor productive; it is passive and a looker-on of the Prakṛiti; cf. त्वामामनन्ति प्रकृतिं पुरुषार्थप्रवर्तिनीम् [Ku.2.13] and the word सांख्य also.<br>   The soul, the original source of the universe (described in the पुरुषसूक्त); सहस्रशीर्षः पुरुषः सहस्राक्षः सहस्रपात् &c.<br>   The Punnāga tree.<br>  N. N. of the first, third, fifth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh signs of the zodiac.<br>   The seven divine or active principles of which the universe was formed; तेषामिदं तु सप्तानां पुरुषाणां महौजसाम् ---10--- <br>-षी   A woman.<br>-षम्   An epithet of the mountain meru. -Comp.<br>-अङ्गम्   the male organ of generation.<br>-अदः, -अद्  m. m. 'a man-eater', cannibal, goblin; अवमेने हि दुर्बुद्धिर्मनुष्यान् पुरुषादकः ---11--- -अधमः the vilest of men, a very low or despicable man.<br>   अधिकारः a manly office or duty.<br>   calculation or estimation of men; संसत्सु जाते पुरुषाधिकारे न पूरणी तं समुपैति संख्या ---12--- <br>-अन्तरम्   another man.<br>   अयणः, अर्थः any one of the four principal objects of human life; i. e. धर्म अर्थ, काम and मोक्ष.<br>   human effort or exertion (पुरुषकार); धर्मार्थकाममोक्षाश्च पुरुषार्था उदाहृताः agni P.; ---13--- <br>   something which when done results in the satisfaction of the performer; यस्मिन् कृते पदार्थे पुरुषस्य प्रीतिर्भवति स पुरुषार्थः पदार्थः ŚB. on ---14--- <br>-अस्थिमालिन्  m. m. an epithet of Śiva.<br>   आद्यः an epithet of Viṣṇu.<br>   a demon.<br>-आयुषम्, -आयुस्  n. n. the duration of a man's life; अकृपणमतिः कामं जीव्याज्जनः पुरुषायुषम् ---15--- पुरुषायुषजीविन्यो निरातङ्का निरीतयः ---16--- 63.<br>-आशिन्  m. m. 'a man-eater', a demon, goblin.<br>-इन्द्रः   a king.<br>   उत्तमः an excellent man.<br>   the highest or supreme being, an epithet of Viṣṇu or Kṛiṣṇa; यस्मात् क्षरमतीतोऽहमक्षरादपि चोत्तमः । अतोऽस्मि लोके वेदे च प्रथितः पुरुषोत्तमः[Bg.15.18.] <br>   a best attendant.<br>   a Jaina.<br>  N. N. of a district in orissa sacred to Viṣṇu.<br>   कारः human effort or exertion, manly act, manliness, prowess (opp. दैव); एवं पुरुषकारेण विना दैवं न सिध्यति ---18--- दैवे पुरुषकारे च कर्मसिद्धिर्व्यवस्थिता ---19--- cf. 'god helps those who help themselves'; अभिमतसिद्धिर- शेषा भवति हि पुरुषस्य पुरुषकारेण [Pt.5.3;] [Ki.5.52.] <br>   manhood, virility.<br>   haughtiness, pride.<br>-कुणपः, -पम्   a human corpse.<br>-केसरिन्  m. m. man-lion, an epithet of Viṣṇu. in his fourth incarnation; पुरुषकेसरिणश्च पुरा नखैः [Ś.7.3.] <br>-ज्ञानम्   knowledge of mankind; [Ms.7.211.] -तन्त्र a. subjective.<br>-दध्न, -द्वयस् a.  a. of the height of a man.<br>-द्विष्  m. m. an enemy of Viṣṇu.<br>-द्वेषिणी   an illtempered woman (who hates her husband).<br>   नाथः a general, commander.<br>-नियमः   (in gram.) a restriction to a person.<br>-पशुः   a beast of a man, brutish person; cf. नरपशु.<br>-पुङ्गवः, -पुण्डरीकः   a superior or eminent man.<br>-पुरम्  N. N. of the capital of Gāndhāra, q. v.<br>-बहुमानः   the esteem of mankind; निवृत्ता भोगेच्छा पुरुषबहुमानो विगलितः ---24--- <br>-मानिन् a.  a. fancying oneself a hero; कथं पुरुषमानी स्यात् पुरुषाणां मयि स्थिते [Rām.2.24.35.] <br>-मेधः   a human sacrifice.<br>-वरः   an epithet of Viṣṇu.<br>-वर्जित a.  a. desolate.<br>   वाहः an epithet of Garuḍa.<br>   an epithet of Kubera.<br>-व्याघ्रः -शार्दूलः, -सिंहः   'a tiger or lion among men', a distinguished or eminent man. उद्योगिनं पुरुषसिंहमुपैति लक्ष्मीः [H.] <br>   a hero, brave man.<br>-समवायः   a number of men.-शीर्षकः A kind of weapon used by burglars (a sham head to be inserted into the hole made in a wall); [Dk.2.2.] <br>-सारः   an eminent man; [Bhāg.1.16.7.] -सूक्तम् N. of the 9th hymn of the 1th Maṇḍala of the Ṛigveda (regarded as a very sacred hymn).<br>


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पुरुष  m.  (-षः)<br>   1. A man generally or individually, a male, man-kind. 2. representative of generation.<br>   3. An official, a functionary.<br>   4. The height of a man considered as a measure of length.<br>   5. The pupil of the eye.<br>   6. A person, (in gram.)<br>   7. The soul.<br>   8. god, the supreme being.<br>   9. VISHṆU.<br>   10. BRAHMĀ.<br>   11. life, the living principle.<br>   12. An atom.<br>   13. A follower of the Sānkhya philo- sophy, who believes in the twenty-fifth creation of the Sānkhya philosophy, the soul which according to them is neither a produc- tion nor a productive.<br>   14. A friend.<br>   15. A sort of tree: see पुन्नाग. 16. A sort of tree, commonly Tila or Tilaka.<br>  n.  (-षं) The mountain meru.<br>   E. पुर the body, or षस् to abide, aff. क, and the vowel changed; or पुर् to precede, Unādi aff. कुषन्; also पुरूष.<br>
पुर षस् पुर् कुषन्; पुरूष

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