Dictionaries | References


   { parighḥ, parigha }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English
PARIGHA I   One of the five pārṣadas presented to Subrahmaṇya by the deva, Aṁśa. The other four are:-- Vaṭa, Bhīma, Dahati and Dahana. [Chapter 138, Śānti Parva] .
PARIGHA II   A forester. (See under Biḍālopākhyāna).


परिघ n.  (सो. क्रोष्टु.) एक राजा । मत्स्य तथा वायु के अनुसार, यह रुक्मकवच का पुत्र था । पद्म के अनुसार, यह रुक्मकवच का पौत्र, एवं परावृत् का पुत्र था [पद्म.सृ.१३] । इसे पालित तथा पुरुजित् नामांतर प्राप्त थे ।
परिघ II. n.  अंशद्वारा स्कंद को दिये गये पॉंच पार्षदों में से एक । अन्य चार पार्षदों के नाम इस प्रकार थेः---वट, भीम, दहति, एवं दहन ।
परिघ III. n.  बिडालोपाख्यान में वर्णित व्याध का नाम [म.शां.१३६-११०]


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English
An enclosing wall, hedge, paling &c. 2 A stick mounted with iron, or an iron club. 3 The nineteenth of the astronomical योग.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English
 m  An enclosing wall, &c.


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi
See : घेर, परीघ, परिधि


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
परि-घ  m. m. (√ हन्) an iron bar or beam used for locking or shutting a gate (= अर्गल), [ChUp.] ; [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
(fig.) a bar, obstacle, hindrance, [Ragh.] ; [Kathās.]
 n. (once n.) an iron bludgeon or club studded with iron, [MBh.] ; [R.] &c.
a child which presents a peculiar cross position in birth, [Suśr.]
a line of clouds crossing the sun at sunrise or sunset, [Var.] ; [MBh.] &c.
(du.) two birds flying on each side of a traveller (regarded as an omen), [Var.]
the gate of a palace, any gate, [R.]
a house, [L.]
(in astrol.) N. of the 19th योग, [L.]
a pitcher, water-jar, [L.]
a glass pitcher, [L.]
killing, striking, a blow, [L.]
N. of one of the attendants of स्कन्द, [MBh.]
of a चाण्डाल, ib.
of a virtuous man, [Cat.]


परिघः [parighḥ]   1 An iron (or wooden) beam or bar used for locking or shutting a gate (अर्गल); एकः कृत्स्नां नगरपरिघप्रांशुबाहुर्भुनक्ति [Ś.2.16;] [R.16.84;] [Śi.19.32;] [M.5.2.]
(Hence) A bar, barrier, hindrance, obstacle; भार्गवस्य सुकृतोऽपि सोऽभवत् स्वर्गमार्गपरिघो दुरत्ययः [R.11.88.]
A stick or club studded or tipped with iron; पादपाविद्धपरिघः [R.12.73.]
An iron club in general. It is a kind of weapon (परितो हन्तीतीसर्वतः कण्टकितो लोहदण्डः com. on [Mb.1.19.17] );...... हन्तुं घोरं परिघमाददे [Śiva.B.14.99.]
A water-jar, pitcher.
A glass-pitcher.
A house, dwelling.
Killing, destroying.
Striking, a stroke or blow.
A child which assumes a peculiar cross position in birth.
A line of clouds crossing the sun at sunrise or sunset.
The gate of a palace, town or house. Hence perhaps it means 'Gate-duty'; मूलं भागो व्याजी परिघः क्लृप्तं रूपिकमत्ययश्चाय-मुखम् [Kau.A.2.6.24.]
(In astrol.) N. of the 19th Yoga.
-घौ  m. m. (du.) Two birds flying on each side of a traveller (regarded as an omen).-Comp.
-गुरु a.  a. as heavy as an iron bar; [M.]
-स्तम्भः   a door-post; [M.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
परिघ  m.  (-घः)
1. A bludgeon, a stick mounted with iron, or an iron club.
2. Killing, striking, destroying.
3. The nineteenth of the astronomical Yogas.
4. The pin or bolt of a door.
5. A glass vessel.
6. A pike, a spear.
7. A water jar.
8. The outer door or gate of a palace.
9. A house: see पलिघ
E. परि round about, हन् to kill, अप् aff., substituted for the root.
परि हन् अप्

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