प्रा—जाप°त्य a See s.v. प्राजापत्य mf. bmf(आ॑) is coming or derived from प्रजा-पति, relating or sacred to him, [AV.] &c. &c. प्राजापत्य m. m. a descendant of Pr° (patr. of पतं-ग, of प्रजावत्, of यक्ष्म-नाशन, of यज्ञ, of विमद, of विष्णु, of संवरण, of हिरण्य-गर्भ), [RAnukr.] विवाह (with or scil. or विधि) a form of marriage (in which the father gives his daughter to the bridegroom without receiving a present from him), [ĀśvGṛ. i, 6] ; [Mn. iii, 30 &c.] कृच्छ्र (with or scil. or उपवास) a kind of fast or penance (lasting 12 days, food being eaten during the first 3 once in the morning, during the next 3 once in the evening, in the next 3 only if given as alms, and a plenary fast being observed during the 3 remaining days, [Mn. xi, 105] ), [Yājñ.] &c. प्राजापत्य n. m. (with शकट, also n.) the chariot of रोहिणी, N. of an asterism, [Var.] ; [Pañcat.] प्राजापत्य m. m. (with or scil. तिथि) the 8th day in the dark half of the month पौष, [Col.] (°त्याश् चत्वारः प्रस्तोभाःN. of सामन्s, [ĀrṣBr.] ; superl. °त्य-तम, [Kapiṣṭh.] ) a son born in the Pr° form of marriage, [Viṣṇ.] a क्षत्रिय and a वैश्य, [GopBr.] ; [Vait.] N. of the confluence of the गङ्गा and यमुना, [L.] (cf. [MBh. i, 2097] ) (with जैनs) N. of the first black वासुदेव, [L.] प्राजापत्य n. n. generative energy, procreative power, [AV.] ; [TS.] कर्मन् (with or scil. ) a partic. kind of generation in the manner of प्रजा-पति, [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] a partic. sacrifice performed before appointing a daughter to raise issue in default of male heirs, [W.] the world of प्रजापति, [MārkP.] नक्षत्र (with or scil. or भ) the asterism रोहिणी, [MBh.] ; [Var.] अक्षर्य (also with , प्रयस्-वत् and माधुच्छौदस) N. of सामन्s, [ĀrṣBr.]