सं-√ कॢप् Ā. -कल्पते, to be brought about, come into existence, [ChUp.] ; to be in order or ready, ib.; to wish, long for, be desirous of (See सं-कल्पनीय) : Caus. -कल्पयति, °ते, to put together, arrange, [AV.] ; to produce, create, [BhP.] ; to move or rock to and fro (the head), [R.] ; to determine, fix, settle, [MBh.] ; [Kād.] ; to destine for (loc. ), [MBh.] ; (with or without मनसा), to will, purpose, resolve, intend, aim at, strive after, [AV.] &c. &c., to imagine, fancy, take for, consider as (acc. with इव), [Daś.] ; to think about, ponder, hesitate, [R.] ; to perform obsequies, ib.