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   { udakam }
Script: Devanagari


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उदकम् [udakam]   [उन्द्-ण्वुल् नि ˚नलोपश्च [Uṇ.2.39] ] water; अनीत्वा पङ्कतां धूलिमुदकं नावतिष्ठते [Śi.2.34.] उदकं दा,
-प्रदा   orकृ To offer a libation of water to a dead person; इत्येवमुक्तो मारीचः कृत्वोदकमथात्मनः [Mb.3.278.14.] उदकं उपस्पृश् to touch certain parts of the body with water, bathe; [cf. gr. hudor; L. unda 'a wave'].
   Comp. अञ्जलिः A handful water.
   see उदककर्मन्.
-अन्तः   margin of water, bank, shore; ओदकान्तात्स्निग्धो जनोऽ- नुगन्तव्य इति श्रूयते [Ś.4.]
-अर्थिन् a.  a. desirous of water, thirsty.
-आत्मन् a.  a. chiefly consisting of water; अव- कोल्बा उदकात्मान ओषधयः [Av.8.7.9.]
-आधारः   a reservoir, a cistern, well.
-उदञ्जनः   a water-jar.
-उदरम्   dropsy.
-उदरिन् a.  a. dropsical.
-ओदनः   rice boiled with water.
-कर्मन्, -कार्यम्, -क्रिया, -दानम्   presentation of (a libation of) water to dead ancestors or the manes; लुप्तपिण्डोदकक्रियाः [Bg.1.42.] वृकोदरस्योदकक्रियां कुरु [Ve.6;] [Y.3.4.]
-कार्यम्   ablution of the body; Rām.-कुम्भः a water-jar.
-कृच्छ्रः   a kind of vow. -क्ष्वेडिकाf. sprinkling water on each other, a kind of amorous play; Vātsyāyana.
-गाहः   entering water, bathing; [P.VI.3.6.]
-गिरिः, -पर्वतः   mountain abounding in streams of water.
-ग्रहणम्   drinking water; [Pt.1.]
-चन्द्रः   a kind of magic.
-द, -दातृ, -दायिन्, -दानिक a.  a. giver of water; (विशुध्यन्ति) त्र्यहादुदकदायिनः [Ms.5.64.]
   (दः) a giver of water to the manes.
   an heir, near kinsman.
-दानम् = ˚कर्मन्   q. v.
-धरः   a cloud.
-परीक्षा   a kind of ordeal.
-पूर्वकम्   ind. preceded by the pouring of water, by pouring water on the hand as preparatory to or confirmatory of a gift or promise.-प्रतीकाश a. watery, like water.
-प्रवेशः   A water burial (जलसमाधि); [Mb.3.]
-भारः, -वीवधः a.  a. yoke for carrying water.
-भूमः   water or moist soil.
-मञ्जरी  N. N. of a work on medicine. ˚रसः A particular decoction used as a febrifuge.
-मण्डलुः   a water-pitcher (Ved.)-मन्थः a kind of peeled grain.
-मेहः   a sort of diabetes (passing watery urine).
-मेहिन् a.  a. suffering from this disease.
   वज्रः a thunder-shower.
   thunderbolt in the form of shower; see उदवज्रः.
-वाद्यम्   'water music' (performed by striking cups filled with water; cf. जलतरङ्ग), one of the 64 Kalās; Vātsyāyana.
-शाकम्   any aquatic herb.
-शान्तिः  f. f. sprinkling holy or consecrated water over a sick person to allay fever; cf. शान्त्युदकम्.
-शील a.  a. practising the उदक ceremony; जपेदुदकशीलः स्यात् [Mb.12.123.22.]
-शुद्ध a.  a. bathed, purified by ablutions.
-सक्तुः   ground rice moistened with water.
   स्पर्शः touching different parts of the body with water.
   touching water preparatory to or in confirmation of an oath, gift, or promise.
-हारः   a water-carrier.


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   see : जलम्

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