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   { subhadrā }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
SUBHADRĀ I   Sister of Śrī Kṛṣṇa.
1) Birth.
Subhadrā was the daughter of Vasudeva by his wife Devakī. She had two brothers, Kṛṣṇa and Sāraṇa and she was her father's pet child. [Ādi Parva, Chapter 217, Verse 18] .
2) Married to Arjuna.
During his one year's pilgrimage Arjuna, after visiting various holy places, came at last to Prabhāsa tīrtha in the plains of the western mountain. He met Gada there who described to him the unique beauty of Subhadrā. The description evoked in him the desire to marry her for which purpose he assumed the form of a Sannyāsin and sitting under a tree thought about Śrī Kṛṣṇa who understood the fact while lying on the bed with Satyabhāmā and immediately he began laughing. Asked for the reason for his laughing thus, Śrī Kṛṣṇa told her about Arjuna thinking about him etc. Kṛṣṇa then went to Arjuna and questioned him about the reason for his pilgrimage and the latter explained the circumstances of it. They then went to the Raivata mountain where Arjuna revealed to Kṛṣṇa his desire to marry Subhadrā. Kṛṣṇa agreed and, after leaving Arjuna at the mountain, returned to Dvārakā. Within a few days the Yādavas celebrated a festival at Raivata attended by prominent leaders like Balabhadra, Ugrasena, Pradyumna, Śrī Kṛṣṇa and others. The sight of Subhadrā among them evoked uncontrollable love in Arjuna who asked Kṛṣṇa secretly about the means for him to marry Subhadrā. Kṛṣṇa answered him thus: “Svayaṁvara (marriage by self choice by a woman) is ordained for Kṣatriyas. But, how would we know whom Subhadrā loves. Abduction also is ordained for Kṣatriyas. So you abduct Subhadrā.” Arjuna immediately sent word about the matter through emissaries to Indraprastha. After the festival at Raivata was over, Subhadrā returned to Dvārakā. As for Arjuna, he sat on a rock in the forest thinking about Subhadrā when Yādava heroes like Bala, Sāmba, Sāraṇa, Pradyumna and Gada came that way by chance. They saluted the Sannyāsin (Arjuna) and after blessing them he made them sit on the rock around him and related to them various stories. Then Yādavas felt great respect for the Sannyāsin and invited him and took him to Dvārakā. Kṛṣṇa and others arranged for the stay of the Sannyāsin, who pretended to spend Cāturmāsya there. He was to be fed from Subhadrā's house and the Sannyāsin was overwhelmed with joy. As days passed on thus, Arjuna grew more and more sick with love. Subhadrā felt unbounded affection for him. She heard from him many stories about the valiant Pāṇḍava, Arjuna. When he was convinced that Subhadrā cherished strong love for him, Arjuna revealed the truth about him. When he told her that he, the fake Sannyāsin, was really Arjuna who was living there without the knowledge of his mother and brothers, Subhadrā bent down her head in shyness. Subhadrā's wedding was decided to be held on the twelfth day from that date. Balabhadra and Uddhava both of them short-tempered, were not informed about the decision. Śrī Kṛṣṇa took the lead in making preparations for the wedding and he saw Subhadrā and gave {??} all good wishes. Many of the Yādava chiefs wanted Subhadrā to be wedded to Duryodhana, a disciple of Balabhadra and against this desire of theirs Subhadrā and Arjuna together drove themselves away in a chariot through lines of people and this created a stir among the Yādavas. But, Kṛṣṇa pacified them all. [Ādi Parva, Chapters 213-228] ;[Bhāgavata, 10th Skandha] .
2) Other information.
(i) Later on, the wedding of Subhadrā with Arjuna was duly consecrated. [Ādi Parva, Chapter 220, Verse 10] .
(ii) Arjuna came to Indraprastha with Subhadrā disguised as a Gopī. Many costly things, by way of Subhadrā's dowry, were duly sent from Dvārakā to Indraprastha. [Ādi Parva, Chapter 220] .
(iii) A son named Abhimanyu was born to the couple. [Ādi Parva, Chapter 220, Verse 65] .
(iv) During the period of the ‘forest life’ of the Pāṇḍavas Subhadrā and her son lived with Kṛṣṇa at Dvārakā [Vana Parva, Chapter 22, Verse 3] .
(v) Subhadrā too was present at the wedding of Abhimanyu at Upaplavyanagara. [Virāṭa Parva, Chapter 72 Verse 22] .
(vi) When Abhimanyu was killed in the great war, Subhadrā wept before Kṛṣṇa. [Droṇa Parva, Chapter 78, Verse 2] .
(vii) Following the death of Abhimanyu Subhadrā returned with Kṛṣṇa to Dvārakā. [Aśvamedha Parva, Chapter 52, Verse 85] .
(viii) Remembering about Abhimanyu's death Subhadrā swooned. [Aśvamedha Parva Chapter 61, Verse 4] .
(ix) She went from Dvārakā to Hastināpura to attend the Aśvamedha yajña performed by Yudhiṣṭhira [Aśvamedha Parva, Chapter 66, Verse 4] .
(x) Subhadrā joined her co-wives, Ulūpī and Citrāṅgadā and embraced them. [Aśvamedha Parva, Chapter 83, Verse 3] .
(xi) Following the death of Abhimanyu Subhadrā spent her days in sad silence. [Mahāprasthāna Parva, Chapter 1] .
SUBHADRĀ II   A daughter of Surabhi. She lives in the western region. [Udyoga Parva, Chapter 102 Verse 9] .


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  अर्जुन की एक पत्नी   Ex. सुभद्रा कृष्ण और बलराम की बहन थीं ।
पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)
सात्वती चित्रा
urdسوبھدرا , سات وتی , چِترا


सुभद्रा n.  वसुदेव एवं देवकी की एक कन्या, जो कृष्ण एवं बलराम की छोटी बहन थी [म. आ. २११.१४] । स्कंद में इसकी माता का नाम सुप्रभा दिया गया है ।
सुभद्रा n.  इसे सुभद्रा नाम क्यों प्राप्त हुआ, इस संबंध में एक चमत्कृतिपूर्ण कथा स्कंद में प्राप्त है । पूर्व जन्म में यह गालव ऋषि की कन्या माधवी थी । एक बार गालव ऋषि इसे विष्णु के पास ले गये, जहाँ यह बालसुलभता से गद्दी पर बैठ गयी। इस कारण क्रुद्ध हो कर लक्ष्मी ने इसे अगले जन्म में ‘अश्वमुखी’ कन्या बनने का शाप दिया । इसका जन्म होते ही कृष्ण एवं बलराम ने ब्रह्म की प्रार्थना कर इसे भद्रमुखी बनाया, जिस कारण इसे ‘सुभद्रा’ नाम प्राप्त हुआ [स्कंद. ६.८१.८४]
सुभद्रा n.  $सुभद्राहरण -- बलराम इसका विवाह दुर्योधन से करना चाहता था । किन्तु एक बार अर्जुन ने इसे देखा, एवं श्रीकृष्ण के समक्ष इसे अपनी रानी बनाने का अपना मनोदय प्रकट किया [म. आ. २११.२०] । पश्चात् श्रीकृष्ण की सलाह से रैवतक पर्वत में हुए महोत्सव के समय अर्जुन ने यतिवेष में इसका हरण किया [म. आ. २१२] । रैवतक पर्वत से भागते समय इसने अर्जुन का सारथ्य किया था [म. आ. परि. १.२०] । आगे चल कर अर्जुन की सलाह से एक गोपी का वेश धारण कर यह द्रौपदी से मिलने गयी, एवं अपने विवाह के लिए इसने उसकी संमति प्राप्त की [म. आ. परि. १.१४. २१२-२१४] । द्वारका में कृष्ण ने भी क्रोधित हुए बलराम का मन इस विवाह के लिए अनुकूल बनाया । पश्चात् कुंती, विदुर, युधिष्ठिर आदि ज्येष्ठ लोगों की संमति कृष्ण ने ही प्राप्त कर ली। इस प्रकार सभी लोगों के आशीर्वाद के साथ इसका एवं अर्जुन का विवाह द्वारका नगरी में संपन्न हुआ [म. आ. २१३.१२]
सुभद्रा n.  इसके विवाह के समय कृष्ण ने अर्जुन को निम्नलिखित वस्तु दहेज के रूप में प्रदान की थीः- एक हजार सुवर्णरथ, दस हजार दुधालु गायें, एक हजार सुवर्णालंकृत अश्व, पाँच सौ तट्टू, एक हजार दासी, एक लाख बाह्लीक देशीय अश्व, दस मन सोना, एक हज़ार उन्मत्त हाथी [म. आ. २०७८-२०८५*]
सुभद्रा n.  इसके पुत्र का नाम अभिमन्यु था, जिसका विवाह उलप्लव्य नगरी में संपन्न हुआ था [म. आ. ९०.८५] ;[वि. ६७.२१] । पाण्डवों के वनवास के समय यह अभिमन्यु के साथ द्वारका नगरी में रहती थी [म. व. २३.४४] । अभिमन्यु की मृत्यु के पश्चात् उसके मृतपुत्र परिक्षित् को जिलाने के लिए श्रीकृष्ण से प्रार्थना की थी [म. आश्र्व. ६७.१३-२४] । अभिमन्यु की मृत्यु के पश्चात् यह सदैव अप्रसन्न एवं हर्षशून्य रहती थी, केवल परिक्षित् को देख कर ही जीवन धारणा करती थी [म. आश्र. २८.१५-१६] । अपने महाप्रस्थान के पूर्व, परिक्षित् एवं वज्र को युधिष्ठिर ने इसीके ही हाथों सौंपा दिया था ।
सुभद्रा II. n.  सुरभि की एक धेनरूपा कन्या, जो पश्चिम दिशा को धारण करती है [म. उ. १००.९]
सुभद्रा III. n.  दध्यच आथर्वण ऋषि की दासी ।


कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani  Konkani |   | 
 noun  अर्जुनाची एक बायल   Ex. सुभद्रा कृष्ण आनी बलराम हांची भयण आशिल्ली
पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)
सात्वती चित्रा
urdسوبھدرا , سات وتی , چِترا


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
 noun  अर्जुनाची बायको   Ex. सुभद्रा कृष्ण आणि बलराम ह्यांची बहिण होती.
पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)
urdسوبھدرا , سات وتی , چِترا


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सु—भद्रा  f. f.N. of various well-known plants (e.g.Ichnocarpus Frutescens; Curcuma Zedoaria; Prosopis Spicigera &c.), [L.]
सु भद्रा
   (in music) a partic.श्रुति, [Saṃgīt.]
   a form of दुर्गा, [Hcat.]
   N. of a younger sister of कृष्ण and wife of अर्जुन (she was forcibly carried off by अर्जुन from द्वारका wish कृष्ण's permission, as described in [MBh. i,] ch. 219; 220; her image is borne in procession with those of जगन्नाथ and बल-राम), [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] &c.
   of a wife of दुर्गम, [MārkP.]
   of a daughter of बलिन् and wife of अवीक्षित, ib.
   of a grand daughter of रुक्मिन् and wife of अनिरुद्ध, [VP.]
   of a daughter of the असुरसु-माय, [Kathās.]
   of a mythical cow, [MBh.]
   of a poetess, [Cat.]


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 noun  अर्जुनस्य पत्नी।   Ex. सुभद्रा कृष्णस्य बलरामस्य च भगिनी आसीत्।
पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)
urdسوبھدرا , سات وتی , چِترا
   See : गम्भारी

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