नि a.-√ 1.धाP. Ā. -दधाति, -धत्ते, to put or lay down, deposit, lay up, preserve (Ā. for one's self); to intrust, commit, present to (dat. or loc. ); put into, fix in (loc. , or loc. with अन्त॑र्, or अन्तर्ifc. ), [RV.] &c. &c.; put or lay before a person (dat. ), [KenUp.] ; (with भूमौ [[Hit.] ] or अवटे [[R.] ]) to bury; (with शिरसि, rarely °सा) to esteem highly, [R.] ; [Kālid.] ; [Pañc.] ; (with दृशम्) to fix the eyes upon (loc. ), [Kathās.] ; (with मनस्) to fix or direct the thoughts upon or towards i.e. resolve, determine to (dat. ), [Hariv.] ; (with मनसि, °सा, or हृदये) to keep in mind, bear in mind, remember, lay to heart, [Kāv.] ; [Pur.] ; (with हृदयम्) to give one's heart to (loc. ); (with आत्मानम्) to intrust one's self to (loc. ), [Kathās.] ; (with क्रियाम्) to take pains with (loc. ), [Hit.] ; (with कर्मणि) to appoint a person to a work, [Rājat.] ; to keep down, restrain, [Kāv.] ; [Pur.] ; to end, close, [ŚBr.] : Pass. -धीयते, to be put or laid down &c.; to be contained or situated or absorbed in, to rest in (loc. ), [RV.] ; [AV.] &c. &c.: Caus. -धापयति, to cause to be put or laid down &c., [Vait.] ; [R.] ; [Hcat.] ; to cause to be deposited or preserved, [Mn. viii, 30] ; to lay up, preserve, [Car.] ; to appoint, [BhP.] : Desid. -धित्सते, to intend to put down &c., [Naiṣ.] : Intens. नि॑देध्यत् (?), to settle down, [VS.] ; [MaitrS.] नि-°धा f. bf. a net or snare, [RV.]