Dictionaries | References अ अभिमुख { abhimukha } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अभिमुख हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi Hindi | | see : उपस्थित, सामने, जुटा, सम्मुख Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अभिमुख A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi English | | abhimukha a S fronting, facing, having the face towards. 2 fig. intent or bent upon; engaged in contemplation or consideration of. 3 fig. propitious, favorable, disposed kindly or advantageously towards--destiny, the times, circumstances. Ex. of comp. उत्तराभिमुख, दक्षिणाभिमुख, पूर्वार्वाभिमुख, पश्चिमाभिमुख, सूर्याभिमुख, समुद्राभिमुख, यज्ञाभिमुख, अध्ययनाभिमुख. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अभिमुख Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi English | | a fronting, facing towards, turned towards. intent or bent upon; engaged in contemplation of. propitious, favourable. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अभिमुख मराठी पर्यायी शब्दकोश | Marathi Marathi | | वि. कडे तोंड केलेला , सन्मुख , समोर ( पाश्चिमाभिमुखी घर ); वि. उद्युक्त , तयार , प्रवृत्त , सज्ज ( कार्याभिमुख ). Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अभिमुख महाराष्ट्र शब्दकोश | Marathi Marathi | | वि. सामोरा ; सन्मुख ; - कडे तोंड केलेला ; रोख असलेला . उ० पूर्वाभिमुख ; सूर्याभिमुख ; मदभिमुख इ० . ( ल . ) प्रवृत्त ; उद्युक्त ; सज्ज असलेला ; इरादा असलेला ; ( अमुक एका गोष्टीच्या ) चिंतनांत किंवा विचारांत गढून गेलेला . उ० अध्ययनाभिमुख ; यज्ञाभिमुख ; प्रयाणाभिमुख इ० . अनुकूल ; फायदेशीर ; उत्कर्षकारक ( नशीब , काल , परिस्थिति ). उ० दैवाभिमुख . [ सं . ] Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अभिमुख नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali Nepali | | see : सामुन्ने Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अभिमुख A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | अभि-मुख mfn. mf(ई, rarely आ)n. with the face directed towards, turned towards, facing (with acc.dat.gen.; or ifc.) ROOTS:अभि मुखयौवनाभिमुखी (ifc.) going near, approaching (as , ‘approaching puberty, marriageable’ [Pañcat.] ) (ifc.) disposed to, intending to, ready for taking one's part, friendly disposed (with gen. or instr.), [R.] Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अभिमुख The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | अभिमुख [abhimukha] a. a. (-खी f.) [अभिगतं मुखं यस्य अभेर्मुखम् [P.VI.2.] 185] With the face turned or directed towards, in the direction of, towards, turned towards, facing; अभिमुखे मयि संहृतमीक्षितम् [Ś.2.12.] ˚खा शाला Sk.; गच्छन्नभिमुखो वह्नौ नाशं याति पतङ्गवत् [Pt.1.237;] with the acc.; राजानमेवाभि- मुखा निषेदुः; पम्पामभिमुखो ययौ Rām.; [Bg.11.28;] [K.264;] sometimes with dat., or gen. or loc.; आश्रमायाभिमुखा बभूवुः mb.; यस्ते तिष्ठेदभिमुखे रणे Rām.; मथ्यभिमुखीभूय [Dk. 124;] also in comp. शकुन्तलाभिमुखो भूत्वा [Ś.] turning towards Ś.; [Ku.3.75,7.9.] coming or going near, approaching, near or close at hand; अभिमुखीष्विव वाञ्छित- सुद्धिषु व्रजति निर्वृतिमेकपदे मनः [V.2.9.;] यौवनाभिमुखी संजज्ञे [Pt.4;] [R.17.4.] disposed or intending to, inclined to; ready for, about (to do something), in comp.; चन्द्रापीडाभिमुखहृदया [K.198,233;] अस्ताभिमुखे सूर्ये [Mu.4.19;] प्रसादाभिमुखो वेधाः प्रत्युवाच दिवौकसः [Ku.2.16;5.6;] [U.7.4,] [Māl.1.13;] कर्मण्यभिमुखेन स्थेयम् [Dk.89;] अनभिमुखः सुखानाभ् [K.45;] प्रातः प्रयाणाभिमुखाय तस्मै [R.5.29;] निद्रा चिरेण नयना- भिमुखी वभूव 5.64; sometimes as first member of comp. in this sense; फलमभिमुखपाकं राजजम्बूद्रुमस्य; [V.4.27.] favourable, friendly or favourably disposed; आनीय झटिति घटयति विधिरभिमतमभिमुखीभूतः [Ratn.1.5.] taking one's part, nearly related to. With the face turned upwards.-खः forepart (अग्र); तस्येषुपाताभिमुखं (विसृज्य) [Bhāg.9.6.18.] -खी one of the 1 earths according to Buddhists.-खम्, -खे ind. towards, in the direction of, facing, in front or presence of, near to; with acc., gen. or in comp. or by itself; स दीप्त इव कालाग्निर्जज्वालाभिमुखं खगम् [Rām.5.67.12.] आसीताभिमुखं गुरोः [Ms.2.193;] तिष्ठन्मुनेरभिमुखं स विकीर्णधाम्नः [Ki.2.59;] [Śi.13.2;] [Ki.6.] 46; नेपथ्याभिमुखमवलोक्य [Ś.1;] स पुराभिमुखं प्रतस्थे [Pt.3;] [Me. 7;] कर्णं ददात्यभिमुखं मयि भाषमाणे [Ś.1.3;] also at the beginning of comp.; अभिमुखनिहतस्य [Bh.2.112] killed in the front ranks of battle. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अभिमुख Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | अभिमुख mfn. (-खः-खा-खी-खं) 1. present. 2. near to, in front of. n. adv. (-खं) In front or presence of. E. अभि before, and मुख the face. ROOTS:अभि मुख Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अभिमुख संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit Sanskrit | | see : सम्मुख, व्यस्त Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP