जया f. af.Sesbania aegyptiaca, [L.] Premna spinosa or longifolia, [L.] Terminalia Chebula, [L.] नील-दूर्वा , [L.] जपा for , [Kathās. lxvii, 32] N. of a narcotic substance, [W.] the 3rd or 8th or 13th day of either half-month, [Sūryapr.] ; cf. [Hcat. i, 3, 360 and] ; [Nirṇayas. i, 391/392] one of the 7 flag-sticks of इन्द्र's banner, [VarBṛS. xliii, 40] सौरा धर्माः N. of the , [BhavP. i] of दुर्गा, [MBh. iv, vi] ; [Hariv.] ; [Kathās. liii, 170] of a daughter of दक्ष (wife of शिव, [MatsyaP. xiii, 32] ; tutelary deity of the आर्तभागs, [BrahmaP. ii, 18, 19] ), [R. i, 23, 14] लया of a योगिनी, [Hcat. ii, 1, 694] (v.l. ) of a शक्ति, i, 5, 200 of a handmaid of दुर्गा (wife of पुष्प-दन्त, [Kathās. i, 52; vii, 107] ; of हरिश्-चन्द्र, [ŚivaP.] ) तारा (= ) N. of a, [Buddh.] deity, [L.] of the mother of the 12th अर्हत् of the present अवसर्पिणी, [L.] जया f. bf. of °यq.v.