Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   A kind or sort. 2 A way, manner, method, fashion. तरतऱ्हा or तऱ्हा तऱ्हा करणें To play wild pranks; to indulge in odd eccentric ways. 2 g. of o. To torment or distress in various ways. तऱ्हेस भरणें or तऱ्हीं भरणें g. of o. तऱ्हेस पेटणें To take up some wild whimsey; to pursue after some mad or strange project; to fall into a fit of. Ex. हें पोर एकदां तऱ्हीं भरलें तर कोण्हाचें ऐकत नाहीं. तऱ्हेस जाणें To become odd, strange, queer, eccentric. तऱ्हेस or तऱ्हे देणें To incite or stir up to something wild or strange.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  f  A kind or sort. A way, fashion.
तऱ्हा तऱ्हा करणें   play wild pranks.
तऱ्हेस पेटणें   To take up a wild fancy.

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