ध्यै cl. 1. P. ध्या॑यति (ep. also °ते, or cl. 2. ध्याति; Impv. ध्याहि; Pot. ध्यायात्, [Br.] ; °यीत, [Up.] ; perf. दध्यौ, [Br.] &c.; aor. अ॑ध्यासीत्, [Br.] ; 3. pl. ध्यासुर्, [MBh.] ; fut. ध्यास्यति, ib.; ध्याता, [Br.] ; ind.p. ध्यात्वा, ib.; -ध्याय, [MBh.] ; ध्यायम्, [Kathās.] ) to think of, imagine, contemplate, meditate on, call to mind, recollect (with or scil. मनसा or °सि, चेतसा, धिया, हृदये &c.), [Br.] ; [GṛŚrS.] ; [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.; to brood mischief against (acc. ), [TS.] ; (alone) to be thoughtful or meditative, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.; to let the head hang down (said of an animal), [Car.] : Pass. ध्यायते, to be thought of, &c., ib.; Caus. ध्यापयतिGr. : Desid. दिध्यासते, [ŚBr.] : Intens. दाध्या-यते, दाध्याति, दाध्येतिGr.