Dictionaries | References


   { ādhiḥ }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi
See : वेदना, बंधक


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English
A bore, a pest, a trouble, a scrape, a hobble.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English
 m f  Mental pain.
 m  A pledge.


 पु. स्त्री . मानसिक दु : ख ; भीति , शोक , चिंता इत्यादिकांपासून होणारें दु : ख ; काळजी . ते बुडाले द्वंद्व संधी । आधि व्याधि महार्णवी । - एभा २ . २८९ ; - तुगा १५७० . तव सेनेंतील धरिति आधि रथी । - मोकर्ण १४ . ४९ . - पु . गहाण ; करार ; वायदा . - स्त्री .
( व्यापक . ) पाठीमागें लागणारें लचांड , पीडा , उपाधि , कुलंगडें , खेंकटें .
( ल . ) उत्कंठा . हा बोलु आइकत खेवीं । अर्जुना आधि न माये जीवीं ॥ - ज्ञा १७ . ३२६ . [ सं . आधि ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
आ-धि  m. 1.m. (for 2. See p. 139, col. 2) a receptacle, [BhP. xi, 13, 33]
place, situation, [L.]
foundation, [Nyāyam.]
a pledge, deposit, pawn, mortgage, [RV.] ; [Mn.] ; [Yājñ.]
hire, rent, [Āp.]
उपाधि   an attribute, title, epithet (cf.), [L.]
आ-धि   a See under आ-√ धा and आ-√ ध्यै.
आ-धि  m. 2.m. thought, care, anxious reflection, mental agony, anxiety, pain, [TS.] ; [MBh.] ; [Yājñ.] &c.
reflection on religion or duty, [L.]
hope, expectation, [L.]
misfortune, [L.]
a man solicitous for his family's livelihood, [L.]


आधिः [ādhiḥ]  m. m. [आधीयते स्थाप्यते प्रतीकाराय मनोऽनेन, आ-धा-कि [P.III.3.92;] connected with आध्यै in some senses]
Mental pain or anguish, agony, anxiety (opp. व्याधि- which is bodily pain); न तेषामापदः सन्ति नाधयो व्याधय- स्तथा Mb; मनोगतमाधिहेतुम् [Ś.3.1;] [R.8.27,9.54;] [Bh. 3.15;] [Bv.4.11;] [Māl.4;] [Ki.1.37.]
A bane, curse, misery; यान्त्येवं गृहिणीपदं युवतयो वामाः कुलस्याधयः [Ś.4.18;] [Mv.6.28.]
A pledge, deposit, pawn, mortgage; [Y.2.23;] [Ms.8.143;] आधिश्चोपनिधिश्चोभौ न कालात्ययमर्हतः 145.
A place, residence.
Location, site.
Definition, epithet, attribute, title.
Misfortune, calamity (व्यसन).
Reflection on religion or duty (धर्मचिन्ता)
Hope, expectation.
A man solicitous for the maintenance of his family (कुटुम्बव्यापृत).
Punishment; एनमाधिं दापयिष्येद्यस्मात्तेन भयं क्वचित् [Śukra.4.641.] -Comp.
-ज्ञ   a.
suffering pain, distressed.
crooked.-भोगः the use or enjoyment of a deposit (as of a horse, cow &c. when pledged).
-मन्युः   (pl.) feverish heat or burning.
-स्तेनः   one who uses a deposit without the owner's consent.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
आधि  m.  (-धिः)
1. Mental agony, anxiety.
2. Exception.
3. Defini- tion.
4. A pledge, a pawn, a mortgage.
5. Location, fixing, scite, &c.
6. Engagement.
E. आङ् before ध्यै to reflect, and कि aff.
आङ् ध्यै कि

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