जन्तु m. m. a child, offspring, [RV.] ; [Kathās. iic, 58] सर्व ज्° a creature, living being, man, person (the sg. also used collectively e.g. , ‘everybody’ [Śak. v, 5/6] ; अयं जन्तुः, ‘the man’ ii, 20">[KaṭhUp. ii, 20] ; iii, 20">[ŚvetUp. iii, 20] ; xii, 99">[Mn. xii, 99] ), [RV.] ; [Mn.] &c. a kinsman, servant, 81, 9 and 94, 5; x, 140, 4">[RV. i, 81, 9 and 94, 5; x, 140, 4] any animal of the lowest organisation, worms, insects, vi, 68 f.">[Mn. vi, 68 f.] ; xiv, 1136">[MBh. xiv, 1136] ; [Suśr.] (n.), iii, 53 and">[HYog. iii, 53 and] ; [Subh.] a tree, [Gal.] also title or epithet).">N. of a son of सोमक, iii, 10473ff.">[MBh. iii, 10473ff.] ; [Hariv. 1793] ; ix, 22, 1">[BhP. ix, 22, 1] ; xiii, 58ff">[Kathās. xiii, 58ff] क्षिति cf. -, क्षुद्र-, जल-.