अपकर्षः [apakarṣḥ] 1 (a) Drawing off or down; diminution, decrease, reduction; मदोऽपकर्षात्
[Dk.16;] loss, decay, decline, destruction; तेजोऽपकर्षः
[Ve.1;] deterioration, inferiority; उत्कर्षापकर्षविहीनो मध्यः Sk. (b) Dishonour, degradation, lowering (of esteem), infamy, disgrace (opp. उत्कर्ष in all senses); तपोबीजप्रभावैस्तु ते गच्छन्ति युगे युगे । उत्कर्षं चापकर्षं च मनुष्येष्विह जन्मतः ॥
[Ms.1.42;] मूल्यो- त्कर्ष˚ rise and fall in price, increase and decrease.
Anticipated performance of a duty, as of a Śrāddha, anticipation (of some detail or details at a विकृतियाग), i. e. performing them at an earlier stage. (see उत्कर्ष).
Anticipation of a word occurring later on (in gram., poetry or Mīmāṁsā &c.). -Comp.
-समः a sort of fallacy; e. g. sound has not the quality of shape, as a jar, so sound and a jar have no qualities in common.