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   { dū }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   see : रोग


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
दू   1a (or दु) cl. 1. P. (xxii, 46">[Dhātup. xxii, 46] ) दवति (pf.दुदाव; fut.दोष्यति, दोता; aor.अदावीत् or अदौषीत्, [Vop.] ),
to go:
Caus.दावयति or दवयति (see s.v.) actually occurring only in Subj.aor.दविषाणि, 34, 5">[RV. x, 34, 5] , ‘न द्°एभिह्’, (?) I will not go i.e. have intercourse with them (the dice). [cf.δύω, δύνω, δεύομαι.]
दू   2a (also written दु), cl. 5. P.cl. 4. Ā. (xxvii, 10; xxvi, 24">[Dhātup. xxvii, 10; xxvi, 24] ) दुनोति, दूयते (ep. also °ति; pf.दुदाव; fut.दोष्यति; aor.अदौषीत्; inf.दोतुम्),
to be burnt, to be consumed with internal heat or sorrow (Pres. दुनोति, iii, 10069">[MBh. iii, 10069] ; iii, 2, 17">[BhP. iii, 2, 17] ; iii, 9">[Gīt. iii, 9] ; but oftener दूयते, which is at once pass.), [MBh.] ; [Suśr.] ; [Kāv.] &c.;
(only दुनो॑ति) to burn, consume with fire, cause internal heat, pain, or sorrow, afflict, distress, ix, 4, 18">---10--- ; [MBh.] ; [VarBṛS.] ; [Kāv.] :
Intens.दोदूयते, दोदोति.
दू   [cf.δαίω. for δαϝιω; δύη, pain; Lit.davyti, to torment; Sl. daviti, to worry.]
दू   1b in comp. for दुस् above.
दू  f. 2bf. (fr.2.दु) pain, distress.
दू   3. = 2. दु॑वस्, only nom.acc.pl.दु॑वस्, [RV.] (cf.अ॑-दू).


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
दू [dū]   4 Ā. (दूयते, दून)
   To be afflicted, suffer pain, be sorry; न दूये सात्वतीसूनुर्यन्मह्यमपराध्यति [Śi.2.11;] कथमथ वञ्चयते जनमनुगतमसमशरज्वरदूनम् [Gīt.8.] 'afflicted or distressed &c.' see दु pass.
   To give or cause pain.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
दू (ओ, ङ) ओदूङ   r. 4th cl. (दूयते)
दू (ओ, ङ) ओदूङ   1. To suffer or be consumed with pain.
दू (ओ, ङ) ओदूङ   2. To inflict pain or anxiety. दिवा० आ० अक० सेट् .
दू  f.  (-दूः) pain, distress.
   E. दू, and क्विप् aff.
दू क्विप्

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