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   { sañcar }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सं-√ चर्   P.-चरति (rarely Ā.°ते; cf.54 Sch.">[Pāṇ. 1-3, 54] Sch.),
to go or come together, meet, join, [Gīt.] ;
to come near, approach, appear, [RV.] ; [AV.] ;
to go or wander about, walk about, roam, go or drive or ride in or on (instr.), [AV.] &c. &c.;
to reach to (), [Kum.] ;
to go in or through, enter, traverse, pervade, [AV.] &c. &c.;
to pass over to, pass from one to another (gen.), [Pañcat.] ;
to issue from (abl.), [ŚBr.] ;
to move, live, exist, be, [ŚBr.] ; [ŚrS.] ; [Bhartṛ.] ;
to practise, perform, [BhP.] :
Caus.-चारयति, to cause to come together, make to meet, bring into contact, [VS.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [Lāṭy.] ;
to cause to go, set in motion, [Kālid.] ; [Hit.] ;
to lead about, turn out (to graze), [Śak.] ; [BhP.] ;
to cause to pass through, [BhP.] ;
to let pass, hand round, [Car.]
सं चर्


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
संचर् [sañcar]   1 P. (but Ātm. when used with the instrumental of conveyance)
   To move, walk, go, pass, walk about; यानैः समचरन्तान्ये [Bk.8.32;] क्वचित् पथा संचरते सुराणाम् [R.13.19;] [N.6.57.]
   To practise, perform.
   To pass over, be transferred to.
   To act, behave; भो राजनश्चरमवयसामाज्ञया संचरध्वम् [Māl.6.2.]
   To join, meet.
   To pass or roam through, travel over.
   To arrive at, reach, attain. -Caus.
   To cause to go about, lead, conduct; यूथानि संचार्य [Ś.5.5.]
   To cause to spread, circulate.
   To transmit, communicate, pass over, deliver over to (as a disease &c.).
   To turn out (as cattle &c.) to graze.
   To impel, instigate, incite.

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