Dictionaries | References


   { samāhārḥ }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   one or the same quantity of food.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 


  पु. एकत्र जमाव ; समूह ; समुदाय ; मिश्रण ; जुळणी . २ अक्षरसमाहार ; वर्णसमाहार ; वर्णमाला ; अक्षरमाला . ३ संक्षेप ; सारांश . ४ ( व्या . ) समास ; शब्दांची जोडणी . ५ शब्दांची अथवा वाक्यांची जोडणी ; जुळणी ; आणि या उभयान्वयी अव्ययाचा अर्थ . ६ द्वंद्व समासाचा एक प्रकार . ७ सारखाच , एकाच प्रमाणांत असलेला आहार . ८ निरोध . किजैल इंद्रियांचा मारू । प्राणापानाचा समाहारू । - भाए २३२ . [ सं . सम् ‍ + आ + ह ]
०द्वंद्व  पु. द्वंद्व समासाचा एक प्रकार . या प्रकारांत समस्त पदांच्या अर्थाशिवाय आणखी तशाच प्रकारच्या पदार्थांचा अंतर्भाव होतो . उदा० भाजीपाला ; चणेकुरमुरे . समाहारी - वि . एखाद्याच्या बरोबरीनें आहार असणारा ; बरोबरीनें खाणारा .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सम्-आहार  m. m. seizing, taking hold of [Gṛhyās.]
   aggregation, summing up, sum, totality, collection, assemblage, multitude, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
   (in gram.) conjunction or connecting of words or sentences (as by the particle ), [Śaṃk.] ; [Prāt.] Sch.; [Pāṇ.] Sch.
अहि-नकुलम्   compounding of words, a compound (esp. applied to a द्वंद्व whose last member is in the neuter gender [e.g., ‘a snake and an ichneumon’], or to a द्विगु, when it expresses an aggregate; see त्रिलोकी), [Pāṇ.]
अहि नकुलम्
प्रत्याहार   = , [Vop.] (cf.[IW. 169 n.] )
   withdrawal (of the senses from the world), [Kām.]
   contraction, abridgment, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
समाहारः [samāhārḥ]   1 A collection, an aggregate, assemblage; [Māl.9;] ततः कपिसमाहारमेकनिश्चायमागतम् [Bk.7.34.]
   composition of words.
   conjunction of words or sentences.
   A subdivision of Dvandva and Dvigu compounds expressing an aggregate (as त्रिभुवनम्).
   abridgment, contraction, conciseness.
   combination of two letters of the alphabet into a syllable (= प्रत्याहार q. v.).


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
समाहार  m.  (-रः)
   1. aggregation, collection, assemblage, either in fact or thought.
   2. contraction, abridgment.
   3. composition or words, (in grammar.)
   4. conjunction of equal words or sentences, the power of the particle “and.”
   5. A particular form of composition, a sub-division of the class Dwaṇḍa, in which several words are joined together, and the compound is a term in the neuter gen- der, as अहिनकुलं the snake and mungoos.
   6. The combination of two letters of the alphabet into a syllable, which designates all the letters intermediate between the two of which it consists.
   E. सम् together, आङ् before हृ to take or convey, and घञ् aff.
सम् आङ् हृ घञ्

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