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   { sāt }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सात्   1. a तद्धित affix which when put after a word denotes a total change of anything into the thing expressed by that word (See अग्नि-, भस्म-सात् &c.)
सात्   2. a सौत्र root meaning ‘to give pleasure’ [Pāṇ.] ; [Vop.]
सात्  n. 3.n.N. of ब्रह्मन्, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सात् [sāt]   ind. A Taddhita affix added to a word to show that something is completely changed into the thing expressed by that word, or that it is left at the complete disposal or control of that thing; भस्मसात् भू 'to be completely reduced to ashes'; अग्निसात् कृत्वा [M.5;] भस्मसात् कृतवः पितृद्विषः पात्रसाच्च वसुधां ससागराम् [R.11.86;] विभज्य मेरुर्न यदर्थिसात् कृतः [N.1.16;] so ब्राह्मणसात्, राजसात् &c.; [Śi.14.36.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सात्   r. 10th cl. (सातयति-ते) To give pleasure; according to some it is a Sautra root.
सात्   Ind. A Tadhita affix which, when put after a word, denotes either a total change of anything into the thing expressed by that word, or complete control.
सात्  n.  (-सात्) BRAHMĀ, GOD.
   E. साति to cause happiness, aff. क्विप् .
साति क्विप् .

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