Dictionaries | References


   { kāśī }
Script: Devanagari
See also:  कांशी


बर'/बड़ो (Bodo) WN | Bodo  Bodo |   | 


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
KĀŚĪ I   (VĀRĀṆASĪ. BANARAS). (see under Divodāsa also).
1) general.
one of the oldest and most popular sacred centres in india, Kāśī is reputed for its Viśvanātha temple of hoary traditions, according to one of which the Śivaliṅga in the temple was installed by Brahmā himself. [Hālāsya Māhātmya] .
2) pilgrimage on foot to Kāśī.
Devotees from many parts of india go on pilgrimage to Kāśī on foot, bathe in the holy waters of the Gaṅgā and thus earn spiritual satisfaction and release from worldly attachments. The reason for the above is stated in the [Agni Purāṇa] as follows:-- once, at Kailāsa Śiva told Pārvatī that the temple at Kāśī was called ‘Avimukta’ (unreleased) as it never perished, and all Japa, tapa, homa and dāna made there never cease to give auspicious results. one should walk on foot to Kāśī and live there. having gone there one should never leave the place. there are eight great tīrthas at Avimukta, i.e. Hariścandra tīrtha, Āvrātakeśvara tīrtha, Japyeśvara tīrtha, Śrī Parvatīrtha, Mahālayatīrtha, Bhṛgu tīrtha, Caṇḍeśvara tīrtha and Kedāratīrtha. these tīrthas extend to two yojanas to the east of the Kāśī temple and half-ayojana to the west of it. The river Varaṇā is also there, and Vārāṇasī is at the centre of all these. whatever is done at Vārāṇasī like bath, Japa, homa, worship of Devas, dāna, obsequies for the dead, oneself living there etc. is productive of devotion and salvation. [Agni Purāṇa, Chapter 112] .
3) References to Kāśī in the Mahābhārata.
(i) Pāṇḍu once conquered Kāśī. [Bhīṣma Parva, Chapter 9] .
(ii) Bhīma married Balandharā, daughter of the king of Kāśī. [Ādi Parva, Chapter 35, Verse 77] .
(iii) Bhīmasena conquered Kāśī. [Sabhā Parva, Chapter 30, Verse 6] .
(iv) Sahadeva conquered Kāśī. [Udyoga Parva, Chapter 50, Verse 31] .
(v) In the war between the Pāṇḍavas and the Kauravas, the king of Kāśī fought on the side of the former. [Udyoga Parva, Chapter 196, Verse 2] .
(vi) arjuna conquered Kāśī. [Ādi Parva, Chapter 122, Verse 40] .
(vii) Śrī Kṛṣṇa conquered Kāśī. [Droṇa Parva, Chapter 11, Verse 15] .
(viii) Karṇa once conquered Kāśī on behalf of Duryodhana. [Karṇa Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 19] .
(ix) Kāśī had been ruled by the Kings called Haryaśva. Sudeva, and Divodāsa. ---11--- .
(x) king Vṛṣadarbha and Uśīnara had ruled over Kāśī. ---12--- .
(xi) Bhīṣma conquered Kāśī during the Svayaṁvara of Ambā. [Anuśāsana Parva, Chapter 44, Verse 38] .
(xii) The horse sent out in connection with Yudhiṣṭhira's Aśvamedha passed through Kāśī also. ---14--- .
(xiii) For the origin of the name Kāśī see under Divodāsa.
KĀŚĪ ii   An inhabitant-citizen-of Kāśī. ---15--- .
KĀŚĪ iii   A son of Kaviprajāpati. [Anuśāsana Parva, Chapter 85, Verse 133] .


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   by the ears, and rub the thumb forcibly along his crown; to show london. काशीस गेला काशीदास मथुरेस गेला मथुरादास used of a timeserver or trimmer.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  f  Benares. काशीफळ
   A pompion, gourd.


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 


  स्त्री. १ ( वें .) भात कापल्यानंतर जमिनींत राहिलेला त्याचा बुडखा . २ काशा पहा .
  स्त्री. १ ( गो .) देवदारी रिकामा खोका ; काश्याव पहा . ( पो . कास्यओ ; इं . कास्केट ?)


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
काशी  f. af. = काशि, Benares q.v.
   also title or epithet).">N. of the wife of सुदेव and mother of सुपार्श्व, [Hariv. 9204] ; [VP.]
काशी   b see above.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
काशी [kāśī]   see काशि. -Comp.
-नाथः   an epithet of Śiva.
-यात्रा   pilgrimage to Benares.


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 noun  उत्तरप्रदेशे वर्तमानं नगरं यद् विख्यातं तीर्थस्थलम् अस्ति।   Ex. वाराणसी गङ्गातटे अस्ति।
भौतिक स्थान (Physical place)place)">स्थान (place)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
   see : द्युमत्

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