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   { kṛpḥ, kṛpa }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
KṚPA I   A King in ancient India. He never ate flesh. [Anuśāsana Parva, Chapter 115, Verse 64] .
KṚPA II   (KṚPĀCĀRYA). 1). Genealogy. Descended from Viṣṇu thus: Brahmā- Atri--Candra--Budha--Purūravas--Āyus--Nahuṣa-- Yayāti--Puru--Janamejaya--Prācinvān--Pravīra-- Namasyu--Vītabhaya--Śuṇḍu--Bahuvidha--Saṁyāti-- Rahovādī--Raudrāśva--Matināra--Santurodha-- Duṣyanta--Bharata--Suhotā--Gala--Garda--Suketu-- Bṛhatkṣetra--Hasti-- Ajamīḍha--Nīla-- Śānti-- Suśānti-- Puruja--Arka--Bhavyāśva--Pāñcāla--Mudgala. A daughter called Ahalyā was born to Mudgala. Maharṣi Gautama married her. To Gautama was born Śatānanda, to him Satyadhṛti, to him Śaradvān and to Śaradvān was born Kṛpācārya. The Purāṇas refer to the generation preceding Gautama only in the maternal line. It is said in verse 2, Chapter 130 of the Ādi Parva, that Śaradvān was the son of Gautama. According to Agni Purāṇa, Bhāgavata etc. Śaradvān, father of Kṛpa was the son of the great-grand son of Gautama and grandson of Śatānanda. [Agni Purāṇa, Chapter 278] .
2) Birth of Kṛpa.
Though born in a family of Sages Śaradvān evinced more interest in Dhanurveda. He performed penance in the forest, with bow and arrows deposited by his side. As his penance gathered intensity the Devas got alarmed. To break his penance Indra deputed the Devatā called Jānapadī to the earth and she appeared before Śaradvān and danced, dressed only in one piece of cloth. Emission occurred to him. But, wisdom dawned on him immediately and leaving behind him the bow, arrows and deer skin he quitted the place. The semen discharged by him fell on the arrow which broke into two giving birth to a male child and a female one.
3) Kṛpa in the Palace.
One of the attendants of King Śantanu, who had come to the forest to hunt, saw the children and took them to the King. The King felt Kṛpā (pity) for them and brought them up in the palace and as they were thus brought up due to his Kṛpā they came to be called Kṛpa and Kṛpī. [Ādi Parva, Chapter 130] .
4) Kṛpa's mastery of Dhanurveda.
While living in the forest engaged in penance Śaradvān, with his divine power understood that the two children forsaken by him were growing up in the palace. He went to the palace and told the king details about the children. He also lived there in secret and taught Kṛpa everything contained in the four branches of Dhanurveda and the various usages in archery. Gradually Kṛpa became an ācārya (master) in Dhanurveda. Not only the Pāṇḍavas the Kauravas, the Yādavas and the Vṛṣṇis but also kings, who came from various regions of the country learned archery at the feet of Kṛpa. [Ādi Parva, Chapter 130, Verse 23] .
5) Kṛpa at the trial of skill in archery of the Kauravas and the Pāṇḍavas.
When the training of the Kauravas and the Pāṇḍavas in archery was over a test was arranged for them. Spectators crowded to see it. Droṇa, Kṛpa, Somadatta, Bālhīka, Bhīṣma and Vidura and other great ones took their seats in the stadium. Arjuna and Karṇa entered the arena for contest when Kṛpa intervened and said that Arjuna was the youngest son of Kuntī but Karṇa should specify his parentage. At this Karṇa stood stunned, and it was then that Duryodhana declared Karṇa to be the King of Aṅga. [Ādi Parva, Chapter 136] .
6) Activities of Kṛpa upto the great war.
(i) He attended the Rājasūya yajña of Yudhiṣṭhira. [Sabhā Parva, Chapter 34, Verse 8] . There he acted as the custodian of money and distributed dakṣiṇās (monetary presents). [Sabhā Parva, Chapter 35, Verse 7] .
(ii) It was he who instructed the spies deputed by Duryodhana as to how to detect the Pāṇḍavas during their life incognito. [Virāṭa Parva, Chapter 29] . He also detailed to Duryodhana the various aspects of politics.
(iii) Kṛpa once told Duryodhana that he was powerful enough to annihilate the Pāṇḍava army within two months. [Virāṭa Parva, Chapter 193] .
7) Kṛpa in the war.
(i) On the first day of the war he fought with Bṛhatkṣetra. [Bhīṣma Parva, Chapter 45] .
(ii) In the fight with Cekitāna he fell down and fainted. [Bhīṣma Parva, Chapter 84, Verse 31] .
(iii) He wounded Sātyaki. [Bhīṣma Parva, Chapter 101, Verse 40] .
(iv) Fought a duel with Sahadeva. [Bhīṣma Parva, Chapter 110, Verse 12] .
(v) He fought with Arjuna and Bhīma. [Bhīṣma Parva, Chapter 113, Verse 114] .
(vi) Fought with Dhṛṣṭaketu. [Droṇa Parva, Chapter 14, Verse 33] .
(vii) Fought with Vārdhakṣemi. [Droṇa Parva, Chapter 25, Verse 41] .
(viii) His flag floated in the air and could be seen from anywhere in the battlefield. [Droṇa Parva, Chapter 105] .
(ix) He killed the body-guards of Abhimanyu. [Droṇa Parva, Chapter 42, Verse 38] .
(x) Fighting with Arjuna he fainted and fell down. [Droṇa Parva, Chapter 147 Verse 9] .
(xi) During the fight he ridiculed Karṇa. [Droṇa Parva, Chapter 158, Verse 13] .
(xii) He advised Aśvatthāmā to prevent Duryodhana from confronting Arjuna. [Droṇa Parva, Chapter 150, Verse 77] .
(xiii) In the battle that ensued he defeated Śikhaṇḍī. [Droṇa Parva Chapter 169, Verse 39] .
(xiv) When Droṇa fell down dead he fled from the battle-field. [Droṇa Parva, Chapter 193, Verse 12] .
(xv) He was defeated by Sātyaki. [Droṇa Parva, Chapter 20 Verse 53] .
(xvi) He killed Suketu, son of Citraketu. [Karṇa Parva, Chapter 54, Verse 28] .
(xvii) Defeated Yudhāmanyu. [Karṇa Parva, Chapter 61, Verse 55] .
(xviii) He killed the Kalinda prince. [Karṇa Parva, Chapter 85, Verse 6] .
(xix) He advised Karṇa to enter into a compromise with the Pāṇḍavas. [Śalya Parva, Chapter 4] .
(xx) He ran away from the battlefield to Dvaipāyana lake [Śalya Parva, Chapter 30, Verse 9] .
(xxi) Yudhiṣṭhira came to the lake with an army and Kṛpa ran away from there. [Śalya Parva, Chapter 30, Verse 60] .
(xxii) He appointed Aśvatthāmā chief of the army on the suggestion of Duryodhana. [Śalya Parva, Chapter 65, Verse 43] .
(xxiii) He fought during the night along with Aśvatthāmā. [Sauptika Parva, Chapter 5, Verse 35] .
(xxiv) He killed the soldiers who ran away from the Pāṇḍava camp. [Sauptika Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 106] .
(xxv) He set fire to the camp of the Pāṇḍavas. [Sauptika Parva, Chapter 8, Verse 109] .
(xxvi) He cried at the pitiable condition of Duryodhana. [Sauptika Parva, Chapter 9, Verse 10] .
(xxvii) He went to Hastināpura after telling Dhṛtarāṣṭra and Gāndhārī that both the Kauravas and the Pāṇḍavas would be ruined. [Strī Parva, Chapter 11, Verse 21] .
8) End of Kṛpa.
The great war ended. Duryodhana and others were killed and, when Dhṛtarāṣṭra left for the forest with Gāndhārī, Kṛpa desired to accompany them. But, Dhṛtarāṣṭra did not permit it. Yudhiṣṭhira, as advised by Dhṛtarāṣṭra, put up Kṛpa with him. [Āśramavāsika Parva, Chapter 16, Verse 5] . Before the Pāṇḍavas set out on their great journey Yudhiṣṭhira appointed Kṛpa as the preceptor of Parīkṣit, the son of Arjuna. [Mahāprasthāna Parva, Chapter 1, Verse 4] . During his last days Kṛpa went into the forest for penance and there he breathed his last. [Śānti Parva, Chapter 296, Verse 14] .
9) Synonyms for Kṛpa.
Ācārya, Ācāryasattama, Bharatācārya. Brahmarṣi, Śāradvata, Śāradvataputra, Gautama, Kṛpa.


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : कृपाचार्य


कृप n.  रुशम एवं श्यावक के साथ इंद्र के सहायक के रुप में आया है [ऋ. ८. ३. १२,४.२]
कृप II. n.  (सो. अज.) उत्तर पांचाल देश के राजकुल में गौतम नामक मुनि का पौत्र । पांचाल देश, आज का रुहेलखंड है । गौतम का शरद्वत नामक महान् तपस्वी पुत्र था । सत्यधृति का पुत्र शरद्वत्, ऐसा भी कहीं कहीं उल्लेख मिलता है । इसकी तपस्या भंग करने के लिये इंद्र ने जालपदी नामक अप्सरा भेजी थी [म.आ.१२०.६] । कुछ स्थानों पर इस अप्सरा को उर्वशी कहा गया हैं [भा.९.२१. ३५] ;[मत्स्य. ५०. १-१४] । कुछ स्थानों पर तो, सत्यधृति का तपोभंग करने के हेतु उर्वशी को भेजा गया, यों उल्लेख है । उस अप्सरा को देखते ही इसका वीर्यस्खलन हुआ । यह वीर्य, शर नामक घास के द्वीप पर गिरा, जिससे एक पुत्र एवं एक कन्या उत्पन्न हुई । कालोपरांत उसी वन में राजा शंतनु शिकार खेलने आया । वह इन्हें उठा कर ले गया, तथा उसने इनका पालन कृपापूर्वक किया । इसलिये कृप तथा कृपी उनका नामकरण हुआ [म.आ.१२०] । इनमें से कृपी अश्वत्थामा की माता तथा गुरु द्रोणाचार्य की पत्नी थी [म.आ.१२१.११] ;[विष्णु. ४.२०] ;[अग्नि. २७७] ;[गरुड. १४०] । शंतनु पुत्र तथा पुत्री को वन से उठा कर ले गये, यह बात तपःसामर्थ्य से गौतम ने जान ली । राजा के जानकारी दी । उसे चारों प्रकार के धनुर्वेद तथा सब प्रकार की अस्त्रविद्या सिखायी [म.आ.१२०.१९-२०] । इसके बाद राजा धृतराष्ट्र ने, वेदशास्त्रों में निपुण कृपाचार्य के पास, अपने सब पुत्रों को अध्ययन में निपुण कृपाचार्य के पास, अध्ययन के लिये भेजा । कौरवों ने द्रोणाचार्य के पहले कृपाचार्य के पास धनुर्वेद सीखा था [म.आ.परि.१. क्र. ७३ पंक्ति १३४] । भारतीय युद्ध में यह कौरवों के पक्ष में था, फिर भी इसका मन पांडवों की ओर था । यह हमेशा कर्ण की निंदा करता था, तथा अर्जुन की प्रशंसा करता था । [म. वि.४४.१] ;[द्रो.१३३.१२-२३] । एक बार कृपाचार्य पांडवों की स्तुति तथा कर्ण की निंदा कर रहा था । कर्ण ने कहा, ‘हे दुर्भति, यदि पुनः तुम इस तरह अप्रिय शब्द बोलोगे, तो इस तलवार से तुम्हारी जिव्हा काट दूँगा [म.द्रो. १३३.५२] ’ । इसी तरह हमेशा कर्ण तथा कृपाचार्य में ठन जाया करती थी । इसने भारतीय युद्ध में अतुल पराक्रम दिखा कर, अनेकों वीरों को स्वर्ग भेजा । जयद्रथवध के वाद कृप तथा अश्वत्थामा ने अर्जुन पर आक्रमण किया, तब अर्जुन के बाणों से कृपाचार्य वेहोश हुआ [म.द्रो.१२२.८] । इसने युद्ध में धृष्टद्युम्न पर अमोघ बाण छोड कर, उसे जर्जर कर दिया था [म.क. १८.५०] । दुर्योधन के वध के बाद, अश्वत्थामा अत्यंत क्रोधित हुआ । उसने कृपाचार्य से कहा कि, मैं पांडवों के पुत्रों को निद्रित अवस्था में ही मार डालना चाहता हूँ । तब कृपाचार्य ने उसे उपदेश क्रिया, जिससे इसकी सही योग्यता का पता चलता है । कृपाचार्य ने कहा, ‘उद्योग की स्थिति कमजोर होने पर केवल भाग्य कुछ नहीं कर सकता । इसलिये कभी भी कार्य के प्रारंभ में बडों से विचारविमर्श करना चाहिये । अतः हम धृतराष्ट्र, गांधारी, तथा विद्रु की सलाह लें’ [म. सौ.३.३०-३३] । इसने विवाह नहीं किया । यह चिरंजीव है । कौरवों की मृत्यु के बाद इसने दुर्योधन का सांत्वन किया । पश्चात् स्वयं पांडवों के भय के कारण, घोडे पर सवार हो कर हस्तिनापुर की ओर रवाना हुआ [म.सौ.९] । यह भविष्य में सावर्णिमन्वंतर के सप्तर्षियों में से एक होनेवाला है [भा.८.१३-१५] । कृपाचार्य रुद्रगण का अवतार था [म.आ.६१.७१]
कृप III. n.  उत्तानपादपुत्र ध्रुव का पौत्र । शिष्ट के चार पुत्रों में से ज्येष्ठ ।


कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani  Konkani |   | 
   See : कृपाचार्य


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
   See : कृपाचार्य


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कृप  m. m.N. of a man (described as a friend of इन्द्र), [RV. viii, 3, 12 and 4, 2]
कृप  mf. mf(). N. of the son and daughter of the sage शरद्वत् (who performed severe penance; the jealous इन्द्र therefore sent a nymph to tempt him, but without success; however, twin sons were born to the sage in a clump of grass [शर-स्तम्बे], who were found by king शान्तनु and out of pity [कृपा] taken home and reared; the daughter, कृपी, married द्रोण, and had by him a son called अश्वत्थामन्; the son, कृप, became one of the council at हस्तिनापुर, and is sometimes called गौतम, sometimes शारद्वत; according to, [Hariv.] and, [VP.] , कृप and कृपी were only distant descendants of शरद्वत्; according to others, कृप = व्यास or = a son of कृष्ण), [MBh. &c.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कृपः [kṛpḥ]   The maternal uncle of अश्वत्थामन्. [He was born of the sage Śaradvat by a nymph called Jānapadī, but along with his sister Kṛipī, also born from the nymph, he was brought up by Śantanu. He was proficient in the science of archery. In the great war he sided with the Kauravas, and after all had been slain he was given an asylum by the Pāṇḍavas. He is one of the seven Chirajīvins.] कृपश्च समितिञ्जयः [Bg.1.8.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कृप(ऊ, ऌ)ऊकृपॢ   r. 1st cl. (कल्पते) to be able.
कृप(ऊ, ऌ)ऊकृपॢ   r. 1st and 10th cls. (कल्पति, कल्पयति)
कृप(ऊ, ऌ)ऊकृपॢ   1. To think or imagine.
कृप(ऊ, ऌ)ऊकृपॢ   2. To mix.
कृप(ऊ, ऌ)ऊकृपॢ   3. To paint or colour.
कृप(ऊ, ऌ)ऊकृपॢ   r. 1st cl. (कृपति) To have pity or mercy.
कृप(ऊ, ऌ)ऊकृपॢ   r. 10th cl. (कृपयति) To be weak. In the first roots or is substituted for .
कृप  m.  (-पः)
   1. The name of a sage, the brother-in-law of DRONA.
   2. A name of VYASA, the compiler of Vedas and Puranas.
  f.  (-पा) Ten- derness, compassionateness
  f.  (-पी) The wife of the sage DRONA.
   E. कृप् to be able, &c. अङ् aff.
कृप् अङ्

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