साध् 1. (connected with √ 2.सिध्) cl. 1. Ā. P. सा॑दति, °ते; accord. to xxvi, 71 and xxvii, 16">[Dhātup. xxvi, 71 and xxvii, 16] , cl. 4. साध्यति, cl. 5. साध्नोति (in, [JaimBr.] also सध्नोति; pf. ससाध; aor. असात्सीत्; fut. साद्धा, सात्स्यति; inf. साद्धुम्, in later language साधितुम्; Ved. inf. स॑धसेq.v. ), to go straight to any goal or aim, attain an object, to be successful, succeed, prosper, [RV.] ; to bring straight to an object or end, further, promote, advance, accomplish, complete, finish, place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.; to submit or agree to, obey, place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.; ( साध्यति) to be completed or accomplished, [Dhātup.] : Caus. साधयति ( mc. also °ते; aor. असीषधत्; Ved. also सीषधति, °धः, °धेम, °धातु; Pass. साध्यते, [MBh.] &c.), to straighten, make straight (a path), [RV.] ; to guide straight or well, direct or bring to a goal, place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.; to master, subdue, overpower, conquer, win, win over, [RV.] &c. &c.; to summon, conjure up (a god or spirit), [Kathās.] ; (in law) to enforce payment, recover (a debt), collect (taxes), [Mn.] ; [Yājñ.] &c.; to subdue a disease, set right, heal, cure, [Suśr.] ; to bring to an end or conclusion, complete, make perfect, bring about, accomplish, effect, fulfil, execute, practice (with वाक्यम्, ‘to execute any one's [ gen. ] order’; with नैष्कर्म्यम्, ‘to practise inactivity’; with मरुम्, ‘to pr° abstinence’; with मन्त्रम्, ‘to pr° the recitation of spells’), [GṛŚrS.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.; |