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   { anēnas, anenas }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
ANENAS I   A king of the lunar dynasty (Candra Vaṁśa).
1) genealogy.
descended from Viṣṇu in the following order: Brahmā-Atri-Candra-Budha-Purūravas- Āyus-Anenas.
2) birth.
Purūravas had by his wife Urvaśī six sons named Āyus, Śrutāyus, Satyāyus, Raya, Vijaya and Jaya. Of them, Āyus, the eldest, had five sons named Nahuṣa, Kṣatravṛddha, Rāji, Rambha and Anenas. Nahuṣa had a son named Yayāti to whom were born the sons Pūru, Yadu and others. The two dynasties of Yadu and Pūru (Yaduvaṁśa and Pūruvaṁśa) originate from them. To Anenas, brother of Nahuṣa, a son named Śuddha was born. Śuddha begot Śuci who begot Trikakup and a son named Śāntarayas was born to Trikakup.
ANENAS II   A Mahārāja of the Ikṣvāku dynasty. genealogy. From Viṣṇu descended thus: Kaśyapa- Vaivasvata manu-Ikṣvāku-Śaśāda-Kakutstha-Anenas.


अनेनस् n.  (सो.पुरुरवस्.) आयु राजा के पांच पुत्रों में से कनिष्ठ [भा.९.१७.१-२] इसकी माता का नाम स्वर्भानवी [म.आ.७०.२३] । इसका पुत्र प्रतिक्षत्र। इसका वंश दिया गया है [ह. वं. १.२९-५] ;[ब्रह्म. ११.२७-३१]
अनेनस् II. n.  (सू.इ.) कुकुत्स्थ राजा का पुत्रभागवत मत में पुरंजय का पुत्रइसे पृथु नामक पुत्र था [म.व.१९३.२]
अनेनस् III. n.  (सू. निमि.) विष्णुमत में क्षेमारिपुत्र । इसका पुत्र मीनरथ


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अन्-एनस्  mfn. mfn. blameless, sinless, not liable to error, [RV. &c.]
   N. of various personages.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अनेनस् [anēnas] a.  a. sinless, blameless; not liable to error.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अनेनस्  mfn.  (-नाः-नाः-नः) blameless, sinless.
   E. अन् neg. एनस् fault.

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