उप-√ स्था P. Ā. -तिष्ठति, -ते (irr. aor. Pot. 3. pl. -स्थेषुस्, [AV. xvi, 4, 7] ) to stand or place one's self near, be present (Ā. if no object follows, [Pāṇ. 1-3, 26] ); to stand by the side of, place one's self near, expose one's self to (with loc. or acc. ), [RV.] ; [AV.] ; KātyŚr.; [Gobh.] ; [MBh.] ; [Mn.] &c.; to place one's self before (in order to ask), approach, apply to, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [ĀśvGṛ.] ; [Ragh.] &c.; to come together or meet with, become friendly with, conciliate (only Ā. Vārtt. on [Pāṇ. 1-3, 25] ); to lead towards (as a way, only Ā. ib.); to go or betake one's self to, [Pañcat.] ; [R.] ; to stand near in order to serve, attend, serve, [MBh.] ; [Kathās.] &c.; to attend on, worship (only Ā. [Kāty.] on [Pāṇ. 1-3, 25] , e.g. अर्कम् उपतिष्ठते, he worships the sun; but अर्कम् उपतिष्ठति, he exposes himself to the sun, [Pat.] ), [MBh.] ; [BhP.] ; [Ragh.] &c.; to serve with, be of service or serviceable by, attend on with prayers ( e.g. ऐन्द्र्या गार्हपत्यम् उपतिष्ठते, he attends on the गार्हपत्य with a ऋच् addressed to इन्द्र; but भर्तारं उपतिष्ठति यौवनेन, (she) attends on her husband with youthfulness, [Kāś.] ), [MBh.] ; [Ragh.] ; [Daś.] &c.; to stand under (in order to support), approach for assistance, be near at hand or at the disposal of [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [TS.] ; [MBh.] ; [Śak.] &c.; to fall to one's share, come to the possession of [MBh.] ; [R.] &c.; to rise against, [RV. vii, 83] ; to start, set out, [Hariv.] ; [Daś.] : Caus. -स्थापयति, to cause to stand by the side of, place before, cause to lie down by the side of ( e.g. a woman), [AitBr.] ; [ĀśvŚr.] ; KātyŚr. &c.; to cause to come near, bring near, procure, fetch, [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [Śak.] &c.; (in Gr. ) to add इति after a word (in the पद-पाठ), [RPrāt. 842] ( cf. उपस्थित).