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   { kadru }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कद्रु  mfn. mfn. (etym. doubtful; fr.कव्Comm. on iv, 102">[Uṇ. iv, 102] ) tawny, brown, reddish-brown, [TS.] ; KātyŚr. &c.
कद्रु  m. m. tawny (the colour), [W.]
कद्रु  f. f (उस्, ऊस्). a brown सोम-vessel, viii, 45, 26">[RV. viii, 45, 26]
   N. of a daughter of दक्ष (wife of कश्यप and mother of the नागs), [MBh.] ; [BhP.] &c.
  f. f. A daughter of दक्ष (read कद्रू)
कद्रु  f. f. (ऊ॑स्) a particular divine personification (described in certain legends which relate to the bringing down of the सोम from heaven ; according to the ब्राह्मणs, ‘the earth personified’), [TS. vi] ; iii, vi">[ŚBr. iii, vi] ; [Kāṭh. &c.]
   N. of a plant (?).


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कद्रु [kadru] a.  a. [कद्-रु] (-द्रु or
-द्रू  f. f.)
   variegated, spotted.
   द्रुः The tawny colour.
   The variegated colour.
-द्रुः, -द्रूः  f. f. wife of Kaśyapa and the mother of the Nāgas. -Comp.
-पुत्रः, -सुतः   a serpent.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कद्रु  mfn.  (-द्रुः-द्रुः-द्रूः-द्रु) tawny.
  f.  (-द्रूः) The wife of CASYAPA the saint, and mother of the Nāgas or the serpent race, inhabiting the regions below the earth.
  m.  (-द्रुः) tawny, (the colour.)
   E. कम् to desire, डु affix, and inserted; the final of the radical is irregularly changed to द; fem. affix ऊञ्.
कम् डु द; ऊञ्

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