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   { śṛṅga }
Script: Devanagari


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A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शृङ्ग  f. n. (perhaps connected with शिरस्, शीर्षन्; fine compositi or ' at the end of a compound.*">ifc.f( or ). ) the horn of an animal, a horn used for various purposes (as in drinking, for blowing, drawing blood from the skin &c.), [RV.] &c. &c.
   the tusk of an elephant, [R.] ; [Kām.]
   the top or summit of a mountain, a peak, crag, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
   the summit of a building, pinnacle, turret, ib.
   any peak or projection or lofty object, elevation, point, end, extremity, [AV.] ; [Kum.] ; [Gīt.]
   a cusp or horn of the moon, [R.] ; [Hariv.] ; ---10---
   highest point, acme, height or perfection of anything, ---11---
   the horn as a symbol of self reliance or strength or haughtiness, ---12---
शृङ्गार   the rising of desire, excess of love or passion (cf.), ---13---
   a partic. military array in the form of a horn or crescent, vi, 2413">---14---
   a syringe, water-engine, [Ragh.] ; [Śiś.]
   the female breast, [BhP.]
   a lotus, [L.]
   Agallochum, [L.]
   a mark, token, sign, [L.]
शशशृङ्ग   = , ‘hare's horn’, anything impossible or extra ordinary, [Kusum.]
शृङ्ग  m. m. a kind of medicinal or poisonous plant, [L.]
   N. of a मुनि (of whom, in some parts of india, on occasions of drought, earthen images are said to be made and worshipped for rain), [MW.]
शृङ्ग   [cf.Lat.cornu; Goth.háurn; germ., Eng.horn.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शृङ्ग  n.  (-ङ्गं)
   1. A horn.
   2. A mark, a sign.
   3. The top of a mountain. 4. The summit of a building.
   5. any point or projection.
   6. A horn of the moon.
   7. A horn used as a wind-instrument.
   8. Sover- eignty, mastership.
   9. dignity, elevation.
   10. A fountain, an artificial one or jet d'eau.
   11. A lotus.
   12. very sharp.
   13. minutely fine.
   14. excess of love.
  m.  (-ङ्गः)
   1. A medicinal root, commonly Jivaka.
   2. A Muni so named.
  f.  (-ङ्गी)
   1. gold.
   2. A fish, (Silurus Singio, ham.)
   3. A plant (Betula.)
   4. Rishabha, a medicinal root, sharped like a bull's horn.
   5. another plant, a kind of Rhus, with an excrescence or gall in the bark, compared to a crab's horn.
   E. शॄ to injure, Unādi aff. गन्, and the vowel made short.
शॄ गन्

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