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   { homakuṇḍa(m) }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
HOMAKUṆḌA(M)   The pit for making offerings during yajñas. Rules about making the pit are described in chapter 24 of the Agni Purāṇa as follows:-- First, demarcate a piece of ground one yard square with thread and dig it one yard deep. After leaving two aṁgulas (inches) space on all the four sides of the pit make three divisions in it. The three divisions should be 12”×8” and 4” deep; the inner division 12” deep, the middle one 8” and the one outside of it 4” deep. All the three divisions should be four feet in width. The above three divisions are called Satvamekhalā, Rajomekhala and Tāmasamekhalā, and this is the pit, viz. Homakuṇḍa. On the western side of it a yoni (receptacle) 10×15 aṁgulas should be made. Its depth should gradually decrease in the descending order 6, 4, 2 aṁgulas. In shape the yoni will be of the shape of the peepal leaf. (Yoni is that of Śakti; the Kuṇḍa is her stomach. The conception about Śakti is that of a woman lying on her back, head towards the east.). The priest performs the rites, himself seated to the west of the yoni and his head turned to the east.


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : हवनकुंड, हवनकुंड


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
होम—कुण्ड  n. n. a hole in the ground for the sacred fire for oblations (= अग्नि-क्°), [L.]
होम कुण्ड


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
होमकुण्ड  n.  (-ण्डं) A hole in the ground or an altar, for receiving the fire for an oblation.
   E. होम burnt-offering, and कुण्ड a hole.
होम कुण्ड

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