पृश्नि mfn. mfn. ([Uṇ. iv, 52] ) variegated, dappled, piebald, speckled, spotted (said esp. of cows, serpents, frogs &c.), [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [Br.] ; [ŚrS.] ; [MBh.] (pl. ) manifold, different (as desires), [TS.] dwarfish, thin, small, [L.] पृश्नि m. m.N. of a prince (the father of श्वफल्क), [Hariv.] ; [VP.] °नयो ऽजाह् (pl. ) N. of a family of ऋषिs, [MBh.] (, the supposed authors of [RV. ix, 86, 31-40] ; [Anukr.] ) पृश्नि f. f. a dappled cow (fig. = milk, the earth, a cloud, the starry sky), [RV.] ; [MBh.] a ray of light, [L.] N. of the mother of the मरुत्s, [RV.] of the wife of सवितृ, [BhP.] of the wife of king सु-तपस् (who in a former birth under the name of देवकी was mother of कृष्ण), ib. पृश्नि n. n. (with भरद्-वाजस्य) N. of 2 सामन्s, [ĀrṣBr.] पृश्नि [cf. √ पृष्; Gk. περκνός.]