Dictionaries | References


   { vidūra }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
VIDŪRA   A king of the kuru dynasty. he was the son born to the great king kuru by Śubhāṅgī, a damsel of Dāśārha family. Vidūra married Sampriyā, a princess of Madhu royal family. A son named Anaśvā was born to her. [M.B. Ādi Parva, Chapter 95, Stanzas 39-40] .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वि—दूर   a see s.v.
वि दूर
वि-दूर  n. bmf()n. very remote or distant, [ŚāṅkhŚr.] ; [Kāv.] &c. (acc. with √ कृ, to remove; °वि-दूरम्ind. far distant, far away, [TBr.] ; वि-दूरात् or °र-तस्, from afar, far away; °रे, far distant; °रibc. far, from afar)
वि दूर
   far removed from, not attainable by (gen.), [BhP.]
   (ifc.) not caring for, ib.
वि-दूर  m. m.N. of a son of कुरु, [MBh.] (B.)
वि दूर
   of a mountain or town or any locality, [Śiś.] Sch. (cf.[Pāṇ. 4-3, 84] )


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
विदूर [vidūra] a.  a. remote, distant; सरिद् विदूरान्तरभावतन्वी [R.13.] 48; [U.6.39.]
-रः  N. N. of a mountain or city from which the Vaidūrya jewel or lapis lazuli is brought; विदूर- भूमिर्नवमेघशब्दादुद्भिन्नया रत्नशलाकयेव [Ku.1.24;] see Malli. thereon, as well as on [Śi.3.45;] तत्र तस्मै विदूराद्रिरविदूर इवाभवत् [Śiva.B.3.11.] (The forms विदूरम्, विदूरेण, विदूर- तस् or विदूरात् are often used adverbially in the sense of 'from a distance', 'from afar', 'at a distance', 'far off'; वयं वत विदूरतः क्रमगता पशोः कन्यका [Māl.3.18.] )-Comp.
-अद्रिः, -भूधरः   see विदूरः; a legendary mountain located in ceylon and supposed to produce jewels at the rumbling of clouds for the benefit of all comers; घनध्वानजरत्नमेदुरः तथा विदूराद्रिः [N.12.55;] यस्योत्थिताभिनव- रत्नशलाकयेव लक्ष्मीरुरःस्थलविदूरभुवा विदध्रे [Haravijaya 16.25;] रत्नाङ्कुररोमाञ्चकञ्चुकिनि विदूरभूधरे [Yaśastilaka 3.]
-ग a.  a. spreading far and wide.
-जम्   the lapis lazuli. -विगतa. of lowest origin.
-संश्रव a.  a. audible a long way off.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
विदूर  mfn.  (-रः-रा-रं) very far or remote.
  m.  (-रः) name of a mountain whence the Lapis lazuli is brought.
   E. वि intervening, दूर distant.
वि दूर


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   see : दूर

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