तपस् n. n. warmth, heat (पञ्च तपांसि, the 5 fires to which a devotee exposes himself in the hot season, viz. 4 fires lighted in the four quarters and the sun burning from above, [Mn. vi, 23] ; [R.] ; [BhP. iv] ; [BrahmaP.] ; cf. [Ragh. xiii, 41] ), [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [VS.] ; [ŚāṅkhŚr.] pain, suffering, [RV. vii, 82, 7] religious austerity, bodily mortification, penance, severe meditation, special observance (e.g. ‘sacred learning’ with Brāhmans, ‘protection of subjects’ with क्षत्रियs, ‘giving alms to Brāhmans’ with वैश्यs, ‘service’ with शूद्रs, and ‘feeding upon herbs and roots’ with ऋषिs, [Mn. xi, 236] ), [RV. ix, 113, 2] x (personified, 83, 2 f. & 101, 1, ‘father of मन्यु’ [RAnukr.] ), [AV.] &c. m. (m., [L.] ) N. of a month intervening between winter and spring, [VS.] ; [TS. i] ; [ŚBr. iv] ; [Suśr.] ; [Pāṇ. 4-4, 128] , Vārtt. 2, [Pat.] ; [Śiś. vi, 63] the hot season, [L.] Sch. °पो-लोक = , [Vedântas. 120] धर्म the 9th lunar mansion (), [VarBṛ. i, 19; ix, 1 and 4] N. of a कल्प period, [VāyuP. i, 21, 27.]