Dictionaries | References


   { hastin }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
हस्तिन्  mfn. mfn. having hands, clever or dexterous with the , [RV.] ; [AV.]
मृग   (with , ‘the animal with a i.e. with a trunk’, an elephant; cf.दन्तह्°), ib.
   having (or sitting on) an el°, [MārkP.]
हस्तिन्  m. m. an elephant (four kinds of el° are enumerated; see भद्र, मन्द्र, मृग, मिश्त्र; some give किलिञ्ज-ह्°, ‘a straw el°’, ‘effigy of an el° made of grass’), [AV.] &c. &c.
व्याघ्रादि   (ifc.) the chief or best of its kind g.
अज-मोदा   a kind of plant (= ), [L.]
   also title or epithet).">N. of a son of धृत-राष्ट्र, [MBh.]
   of a son of सुहोत्र, (a prince of the lunar race, described as founder of हस्तिना-पुर), ib.; [VP.]
   of a son of बृहत्-क्षत्र, [BhP.]
   of a son of कुरु, [Śatr.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
हस्तिन् [hastin] a.  a. (-नी f.) [हस्तः शुण्डादण्डोऽस्त्यस्य इनि]
   having hands.
   having a trunk. -m. An elephant; [Ms.7.] 96;12.43; (elephants are said to be of four kinds; भद्र, मन्द्र, मृग and मिश्र). -Comp.
-अध्यक्षः   a superintendent of elephants.
-अशना   Boswellia Serrata (mar. साळई, कुरुंद).
-आजीवः   an elephant-driver.
-आयुर्वेदः   a work dealing with the treatment of the elephant's diseases.
-आरोहः   an elephant-driver or rider.
   कक्ष्यः a lion.
   a tiger.
-कर्णः   the castor-oil plant.
-गिरिः   the city and district of Kāñchī.
   घ्नः an elephantkiller.
   a man.
-चारः   a kind of weapon.
-चारिन्  m. m. an elephant-driver.
-जागरिकः   a keeper of elephants.-जिह्वा a particular vein.
   दन्तः the tusk of an elephant.
   a peg projecting from a wall.
   (न्तम्) ivory.
   a radish.
-नखम्   a sort of turret protecting the approach to the gate of a city or fort.
-नासा   an elephant's trunk.
-पः, -पकः   an elephant driver or rider; जज्ञे जनैर्मुकुलिताक्षमनाददाने संरब्धहस्तिपक- निष्ठुरचोदनाभिः [Śi.5.49;] इति घोषयतीव हिण्डिमः करिणो हस्तिपका- हतः क्कणन् [H.2.86.]
-पर्णी   the कर्कटी plant.
-प्रधान a.  a. chiefly depending on elephants; [Kau.A.2.2.]
-बन्धकी   a female elephant helping in tethering wild ones; [Kau.A.2.2.]
-मदः   the ichor issuing from the temples of an elephant in rut.
-मयूरकः  N. N. of a plant (mar. आज- मोदा).
   मल्लः N. of Airāvata; सुराधिपाधिष्ठितहस्तिमल्ललीलां दधौ राजतगण्डशैलः [Śi.4.13.]
   of Gaṇeśa.
   of Śaṅkha, the eighth of the chief Nāgas.
   a heap of ashes.
   a shower of dust.
-यूथः, -थम्   a herd of elephants.
-वक्त्रः  N. N. of Gaṇeśa; [Dk.2.3.]
-वर्चसम्   the splendour or magnificence of an elephant.
   वाहः an elephant-driver.
   a hook for driving elephants.-विषाणी Musa Sapientum (mar. केळ).
-शाला   an elephant-stable.
-शुण्डा, -ण्डी   A kind of shrub (mar. इंद्रवारुणी,
-कवंडळ). -श्यामाकः   a kind of millet.
-षड्गवम्   a collection of six elephants.
-स्नानम् = गजस्नानम्   q. v.; अवशेन्द्रियचित्तानां हस्तिस्नानमिव क्रिया [H.1.17.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
हस्तिन्  m.  (-स्ती) An elephant, (four kinds of elephants are enumerated, viz:--भद्र, मन्द, मृग and मिश्र.)
  f.  (-नी)
   1. A female elephant.
   2. A female; one of the four kinds into which they are classed, and described as of low stature, curpulent habits, curly hair, dark complexion, libidinous appetite, thick lips, thick hips, thick fingers, large breasts and furious passions.
   3. A drug and perfume; also हट्टविलासिनी.
  f.  (-नी) Adj.
   1. having hands.
   2. having a trunk.
   E. हस्त a trunk, and इनि aff.
हस्त इनि

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