ज्ञ A compound letter, considered to be composed of
ज and
ञ; it is usually expressed by jn or gn, but its peculiar nasal sound is not well conveyed by any combination of the Roman alphabet.
ज्ञ mfn. (
ज्ञः ज्ञा ज्ञं) Who or what knows.
m. (
1. A wise and learned man; it especially applies to one possesed of sacred learning, and religious knowledge.
2. A name of BRAMHA.
3. The moon.
4. Bu- dha, first of the line of the moon, and regent of the planet MER- CURY.
5. The planet MARS or its regent.
6. The Sentient soul.
E. ज्ञा to know, to possess knowledge, affix