ग्रह mfn. mfn. ([Pāṇ. 3-3, 58] ; g. वृषा-दि) ifc. (iii, 2, 9, Vārtt. 1) seizing, laying hold of, holding, iii, 15, 35">[BhP. iii, 15, 35] (cf. अङ्कुश-, धनुर्-, &c.) obtaining, v, viii perceiving, recognising, iv, 7, 31 ग्रह m. m. ‘seizer (eclipser)’, राहु or the dragon's head, [MBh.] &c. शुभ a planet (as seizing or influencing the destinies of men in a supernatural manner; sometimes 5 are enumerated, viz. mars, mercury, jupiter, venus, and saturn, vi, 4566 f.">[MBh. vi, 4566 f.] ; 19, 2">[R. i, 19, 2] ; iii, 13 &c.">[Ragh. iii, 13 &c.] ; also 7 i.e. the preceding with राहु and केतु, vii, 5636">[MBh. vii, 5636] ; also 9 i.e. the sun [cf. iv, 6, 5, 1 and 5">[ŚBr. iv, 6, 5, 1 and 5] ; xiii, 913; xiv, 1175">[MBh. xiii, 913; xiv, 1175] ] and moon with the 7 preceding, [Yājñ. i, 295] ; iv, 48">---10--- ; ---11--- ; also the polar star is called a ग्रह, ---12--- (---13--- Sch. ); the planets are either auspicious -, सद्-, or inauspicious क्रूर-, पाप-, ---14--- ; with जैनs they constitute one of the 5 classes of the ज्योतिष्कs) the place of a planet in the fixed zodiac, ---15--- the number ‘nine’ also title or epithet).">N. of particular evil demons or spirits who seize or exercise a bad influence on the body and mind of man (causing insanity &c.; it falls within the province of medical science to expel these demons; those who esp. seize children and cause convulsions &c. are divided into 9 classes according to the number of planets, [Suśr.] ), [MBh.] &c. any state which proceeds from magical influences and takes possession of the whole man, vii, ix">[BhP. vii, ix] ; ---19--- ; ii, 1, 20">---20--- ग्रह f. m. a crocodile, xvi, 142">---21--- (ifc. f(आ). ), iv f.">---22--- ; [BhP. viii] ग्रह m. m. any ladle or vessel employed for taking up a portion of fluid (esp. of सोम) out of a larger vessel, [Mn. v, 116] ; [Yājñ. i, 182] also title or epithet).">N. of the 8 organs of perception (viz. the 5 organs of sense with मनस्, the hands and the voice), [ŚBr. xiv] ; [NṛsUp. i, 4, 3, 22] गृह (= ) a house, vii, 40, 30">[R. vii, 40, 30] (cf. अ-, खर-, -द्रुम and -पति) °हालुञ्चन ‘anything seized’, spoil, booty, iii, 11461">[MBh. iii, 11461] (cf. ) as much as can be taken with a ladle or spoon out of a larger vessel, ladleful, spoonful (esp. of सोम), ---30--- ; ---31--- ; [TS.] ; [AitBr.] ; [ŚBr.] &c. सु the middle of a bow or that part which is grasped when the bow is used, iv, 1351">---35--- (-, 1326) the beginning of any piece of music grasp, seizing, laying hold of (often ifc. ), [Kauś. 10] ; [MBh.] &c. keeping back, obstructing, [Suśr.] °हं-√ गम् imprisoning, imprisonment (, ‘to become a prisoner’ [Kām.] ), ii, 58, 2">---40--- अङ्ग seizure (by demons causing diseases e.g. -, spasm of the limbs), [Suśr.] seizure of the sun and moon, eclipse, xix, 9, 7 and 10">[AV. xix, 9, 7 and 10] ; [VarBṛS.] stealing, robbing, ix, 277">[Mn. ix, 277] ; vi, 4458">[MBh. vi, 4458] effort, [Hit.] insisting upon, tenacity, perseverance in (loc. or in comp. ), vii, 14, 11">[BhP. vii, 14, 11] ; ix, 12">---48--- ; [Kathās.] ; viii, 226">[Rājat. viii, 226] taking, receiving, reception, viii, 180">[Mn. viii, 180] ; [Śṛṅgār.] taking up (any fluid) choosing, xii, 83, 12">[MBh. xii, 83, 12] ; vi, 136">[Sāh. vi, 136] -निग्रह ‘favour’ see mentioning, employing (a word), viii, 271">[Mn. viii, 271] ; [Pāṇ. 7-1, 21] , [Kār. 2] ; ---58--- ; [Rājat.] apprehension, perception, understanding, ---60--- ; [BhP.] ; [Sarvad.] Sch. on [Jaim.] and, [KapS.]